We had you do some Custom Work for us, we are getting ready to upgrade/migrate to 1.7 from 1.5. When I went to go EXPORT the library, I had a lot of errors and no list, very small - 3 books maybe most. Saying there was a error
Warning: Missing argument 1 for mosMedialibrary::toXML2(), called in /home/cleardo2/public_html/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.class.impexp.php on line 585 and defined in /home/cleardo2/public_html/components/com_medialibrary/medialibrary.class.php on line 252
Warning: Missing argument 1 for mosMedialibrary::toXML2(), called in /home/cleardo2/public_html/administrator/components/com_medialibrary/admin.medialibrary.class.impexp.php on line 585 and defined in /home/cleardo2/public_html/components/com_medialibrary/medialibrary.class.php on line 252
File is here
How can I export the media into the new 1.7 if this does not work, can you help me please. Also we paid for the PRO version where can I go to download the new version, or do I need to BUY it again?