Ok, I setup the details for MediaLibrary as you described in your reply. I am very happy that SH404SEF did create a lot of SEF URLs for my MediaLibrary content. However, there is another problem. When I enabled the SH404SEF, it took the first of my MediaLibrary categories and made it the "default" category. Now my menus that point at a "Medialibrary alone category" don't work. All of my other menus that point to a "alone category" bring up that first category because it was made to "default". How can I fix this? For instance, I have a menu in the top menu called "Movies". When a user would click on it, it would bring up the Medialibrary layout for the category of "movies" and the page would display just fine with my ads and banners for the movie category. But after enabling sh404sef, "movie" was made into the default category and if my users click on another menu for "Books" which is an "alone category" for the category of "books", then they still get the page for movies. All of my categories are behaving the same way. What can I do? Thank you.