We would really like a button for frontend users, or even just admin in the backend, to suggest similar media, like a recommendation (i.e. "If you like this movie, PULP FICTION, you may also like this other movie, MACHETE). I would gladly pay extra for frontend users and/or backend admin to be able to set up connections between media that are not necessarily in the same category (i.e. in the example above, PULP FICTION would be in our "Quentin Tarantino" category, and MACHETE would be in our "Robert Rodriguez" category). Then underneath each media item description,
if there are recommended media to go with it, the images/covers of those movies will show up in a line. To see something similar, look at a movie on imdb.com, such as
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100873/ and scroll down to the "Recommendations." There are pictures of other movies that imdb thinks you may like. We would really like to be able to make these connections manually and have them appear in a similar way, or even just as a list of other titles. I'm sure this would be of great use to other users of your component as well.