I am having trouble using a plugin within the tabs on a product page. I have entered the plugin text string in the Product Description WYSIWYG and ensured that there are no irregular tags by using the HTML editor. Also, I have verified that the string/plugin work by testing it in a regular Joomla article...and it works fine. The intent of this plugin is to simply list files within a particular directory from my server...it is call Easy Folder Listing Pro.
Can you offer any suggestions on how I can get this plugin to work?
Joomla Version: 2.5.9
Virtuemart Version: 2.0.20a
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When I place the plugin text string in the description field within a product description, the front end does not display the contents of the plugin, rather it displays the plugin text string which is '{easyfolderlistingpro|folder='upload/'}"
It is supposed to display a list of files in the 'upload' directory.
Does this make sense?
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