Hello Friends!
I have a few questions so kindly ask for your help.
1. I need to change text on 'Save' button in ShoeStore template. I did it for 'Cancel', 'Logout' buttons via Overrides in Language Manger, but can't find a correct value for Save button. Maybe because it is some kind of a global value... P.S. template cash was cleared before testing changes.
2. The same problem with 'Name' and 'Update' in Order form of VirtueMart. I did it for Qty, Price, Tax, Total etc, but not for these two.
3. The same problem with Title (I changed its values Mr/Mrs, but not the property). I found all single values of 'Title' in Overrides and changed them all, after that cleared the template cash, but with no any effect.
Please advise.
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