when I try to install the template boats_v2.zip I get a warning and a error :
JInstaller:: Install: File does not exist /home/users/**/**.nl/**/tmp/install_587f7098c6386/boats/less
Install Template: Can not copy files from the source files.
Error installing template
I tried to get it installed by ftp (I uploaded the unzipped boats_v2 map to the template map and then the discovering button in Joomla CMS did the job. That worked, But now I got problems there is nothing to show on the site (no articles or component, only modules and menu). I think it began when I was working to get the site multi langual, but I'm not sure bout that. The yacht template had no install problems, but I (my custom) want the boats template.
see image
I thought there was something wrong with the multilanguage functionality, but I think it's the file in the tmp map that is missing. What to do now?