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Language manager for categories (0 viewing) 

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Language manager for categories

infogate (User)
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Language manager for categories 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
It would be nice the categories language to be controlled by language ini file or from the joomla language support. Now category can only be display in each language but adding vehicles category to each language won't be separeted.
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Taras (User)
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Re:Language manager for categories 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 58  

All Vehicle Manager language variables are stored in one file. That file can be translated to add other languages.
Once you have put a language file for a language into Vehicle Manager, then the language chosen as default in Joomla will automatically be picked up by Vehicle Manager. On multilingual sites with JoomFish, Vehicle Manager will automatically pick up the language chosen in the frontend.

How to translate Vehicle Manager language variables


OrdaSoft team
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infogate (User)
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Re:Language manager for categories 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Please let me now how can a category added be translated in another language though the ini file?

I add trucks as a category and then add agricultural trucks as a sub category.

How is it possible this to be translated with the ini file when you have chosen to show menu "All Categories" on list view?

And how the categories are translated when you have to choose adding new vehicle?

I always mean the categories added from vehicle manager to database through the backend.

Thank you once again for your time
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Taras (User)
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Re:Language manager for categories 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 58  

you can use SEF Translate. SEF Translate permit translate yours site content to all languages that Google Translate or Bing(Microsoft) translate support. Site translation do with help Ajax or redirect. This component for SEO and SEF, it permit extend yours site content


OrdaSoft team
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