First, check documentation for VehicleManager component. (on website or use PDF file in Pro version)
Go to the Components > Vehicle Manager > Setting page.
(You can reach this page either through the top menu or through the horizontal menu bar.)
Set the options as you want them. The options are fairly self-explanatory. But if you need more information, you can hover with your mouse over the [i] at each option and it will show the tooltip for each option with a short explanation.
1) Currency - VehicleManager :: Settings - Price Options - Currency
To add a new currency to the database you need PHP knowledge.
2) For creating new fields VehicleManager has Extra Fields manager (Components > Vehicle Manager > Setting page - Vehicle Page Settings)
Put Yes for any Custom Text Fields or Custom Dropdown Field.
Rename your field you can with help VehicleManager :: Language Manager
(put any of Custom Text Fields in Value constant choose Language and rename)
2) For add your model You need edit below file:
Please backup it first
3) Type of vehicle - Go to VehicleManager :: Language Manager - put sedan in Value constant choose Language and add that you need.
If you will have any questions, please ask.
Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team