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Vehicle Manager Gallery + Translation (0 viewing) 

VehicleManager component support

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Vehicle Manager Gallery + Translation

albes (User)
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Vehicle Manager Gallery + Translation 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I am using the "Car catalog" template with the vehicle manager component. I have 2 questions:

1/ I have to enter more than 100 photos for each vehicle. As far as I know, the gallery only allow to enter the photos one by one (I cannot select all the photos in a directory). Then, I cannot use it since I cannot waste such a long time for this operation.
I will use another gallery (probably Yootheme's Widgetkit 2, since I already use many templates from Yootheme). My question is: How can I disable the VM component gallery?

2/The site will be in 2 languages (English and French). Then, in order to have the text entered for the vehicles in the correct language when selected, I suppose that I will have to duplicate every vehicle (one with text in English, one with text in French). Is there any way to duplicate easily a vehicle (as we do for any article or any module) to avoid having to enter twice all the information for each vehicle?

Thanks in advance for your kind answer.

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Taras (User)
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Re:Vehicle Manager Gallery + Translation 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 58  

I am sorry for the delay in replying.

1) Last version of VehicleManager component has multi upload option, you will be able add as many photos as you need. We can integrate this option for you in your template. Please, contact us through our contact form fro this.

2) Yes, you need to duplicate every vehicle (one with text in English, one with text in French) and choose Language associate.

You can not duplicate every vehicle, and install our Sef Translate - Joomla translation extension and you will make your website multilingual.


If you would like any further information, please do not heistate to contact me.
Sincerely Yours
OrdaSoft team
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Last Edit: 2015/06/08 05:15 By Taras.
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