I am sorry but all what you asked require know PHP code or CSS. That not component features. But we give for you open sours component - so you can self change all what you wish - or hire some other for that. Also you can hire us - for some custome work.
For set Background for yours site you need check how background set now in yours Joomla template. And change it in yours Joomla template!
Agsin that features from yours Template - not from component.
Most simply way check where now yours background set - use FireBug extension for fireFox.
Address we save in variable "$vehicle->vlocation"
If that variable empty - we not show it.
How do i remove this from setup - not understand what you mean, for full remove these variable need rebuild full component because that variable use in import/export/search ...
You may remove it from code for admin vehicle add by remove so code from yours file:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/admin.vehiclemanager.html.php
Code: |
else if (form.vlocation.value == '') {
Code: |
<td valign="top" align="right">
<strong><?php echo _VEHICLE_MANAGER_LABEL_ADDRESS;?>:</strong>
<td align="left">
<input class="inputbox" type="text" name="vlocation" size="80" value="<?php echo $row->vlocation;?>" />
For set Year to 2012
You need open file:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/admin.vehiclemanager.html.php
and in it change code
Code: |
for($i= 0;$num<=date('Y');$i++)
to code
Code: |
for($i= 0;$num<=date('Y')+1;$i++)
OrdaSoft team