. When I enter categories in all caps it displays all lowercase. Where in the code can I change this. Actually all of the pulldown pieces do this. Capital letters are a necessity.
Please check yours Template for Ypours Joomla site. For Joomla default template - that all work fine.
2. I want to remove Price from the list display the gallery display and the car dispay page.
You need open file:
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
and in it in function "displayVehicles" - check all where you will see "Price"
I would like to move the gallery pictures to the top of the page. Is this possible?
You need open file:
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
and in it in function "displayVehicle" -
In it find table what start with:
Code: |
<?php if (count($vehicle_photos) > 0) { ?>
And move that table in this function top
Price for me work good,
For Banner places - please check yours current site template
OrdaSoft team