Hi Guys - love the component by the way
I'm wanting to override some of the administrator views in the component to hide certain elements in the joomla administrator view (The rent section isn't needed for example)
As an example I would like to edit
I would like to override administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
so have copied this file to administrator/template/isis/com_vehiclemanager but changes to this override file don't seem to be working.
Looking in Joomla forums etc it seems the override function uses the views folder as part of the structure (all admin override posts I can find reference putting files from the views folder into the html override folder)
Since Vehicle Manager doesn't use the views folder structure like other administrator components (administrator/com_component/views for example) in the administrator component, I'm wondering if there's a way of editing administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php without overriding the core files?