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adding Rent start and end Hour-Minute (0 viewing) 

VehicleManager component support

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Adding Rent start and end Hour-Minute

dayioglu (User)
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adding Rent start and end Hour-Minute 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I bought the VM component a week ago, for my customer.
He is a car rental agency.

I have 2 problems:

In the car rental form, my customer needs:
rental start date + Hour - Minute
rental end tate + Hour - Minute

Car receiving location ( for customer)
Car return location
( Means, customer can get the car from City A and Leave it in City

How can I add Hour and Minute to calendar?
( ofcourse, hours must be shown in admin rental requests page )

When testing rental form, I receive no notification email. ( I can only see requests in admin page)
What I want is: Both agency and customer should receive notification email.

Thanks for this useful component.
When I have more experience with the component, I hope you don't mind that if I recommend some new features.

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admin (Admin)
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Re:adding Rent start and end Hour-Minute 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

First off all you may do all changes in Vehicle manager self or order from us custom version wiih all features what you need.

In the car rental form, my customer needs:
rental start date + Hour - Minute
rental end tate + Hour - Minute

As me seem you can't add time to calendar, you will need or create additional field for save time, or rebuild calendar.

Also you will need do that for admin part - and also will need rebuild car rent check algorithm and car rent free search.

For add new fields - will need rebuild class
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.class.rent.php
{yours site}//components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.class.rent_request.php

also below small customization instruction.

When testing rental form, I receive no notification email. ( I can only see requests in admin page)
What I want is: Both agency and customer should receive notification email.

Now email take car owner and admin - if admin set option in backend for that. Customer who did rent request - take emails - only about rent solution.
But you may rebuilt that.

Again, you may do that self, or you may hire us for that.

ours component have Open source,

it have two parts admin and frontend.

in admin you will see two files:

admin.vehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
admin.vehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare data

exactly for frontend
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php

vehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
vehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare data

Also all fields what you leave empty - will not show at frontend

All connection between what user press in Browser - do wit help TASK variable.

also if you wish all Joomla class methods work. E.g when you create new Vehicle with help
mosVehiclemanager class. you need also edit file

and add to class definition all new fields what you added to database

If you give full details what exactly you wish, we will self create that for

OrdaSoft team
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