When I try to save new settings, not much happens. I don't receive any error messages.
I can see the URL changes to /administrator/index.php?option=com_vehiclemanager&task=config# but it is like the page is not reloading.
I have tried the following:
1.) un-install - re-download and re-install but same problem.
2.) I have verified file and folder permissions are exactly as for all other components.
3.) I have verified file and folder ownership is exactly the as for all other components.
3.) I have tried to give admin.vehiclemanager.class.conf.php full permission (777) but it does not change anything.
4.) I have tried both from Chrome and IE9
I'm using VehicleManager 2.2 Pro on Joomla 2.5.4
If anybody has experienced the same and found a solution I would be very interested.