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Problem Autocomplete on search module (0 viewing) 

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Problem Autocomplete on search module

sammy979 (User)
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Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Good evening, I have a little issue: when I write a keyword on the search form, a store appears automatically, I am attaching an image where the problem is better understood.
How can i avoid this problem?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Please check: if you use OrdaSoft car dealer software search you may do with help:
1. - search layouts from Vehicle manager component (advance search and default search)
2. - search with help Vehicle Search Module
3. - and search by location in Pro version on Vehicle manager map modules

for 1 and 3 you may search by "Location" - you type some address, and Google, with help "Geo API", search location for your address, and next: our "car software" do search nearest cars.

I say this for you check use you geo search or not - and you show to me "Address hints from Google API". When you type some address google API try autocomplete it.

If this not "Address hints from Google API", and you use search module. This it hint of your search search history from browser, This history see only YOU, Your clients see self history. You may clean this history - if you clean your browser cache.

Or You need modify your HTML form and add to it: ' autocomplete="off" ' With that in this input will not save history

as example if you have
<input type="text" />

You need replace it to

<input type="text" autocomplete="off"/>

Or please send to us FTP and admin access and our team will add this for you.
FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.

OrdaSoft team.
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month
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sammy979 (User)
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Re:Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Thanks for the reply.
But my problem occurs when I search a vehicle on "all vehicle" layout, with the button on the bar above the vehicles...
Please can you tell me what is the file html I have to modify to add "autocomplete=off"
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Last Edit: 2021/04/01 10:53 By sammy979.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Please send to us full details description and FTP and admin access, and our team will add this for you.
FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.

If for search in car dealer software you use search from component.
The search layouts you can find {your site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/views/show_search_vehicle/tmpl/

OrdaSoft team
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sammy979 (User)
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Re:Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Sorry but I do not understand what file I have to modify and what code I have to insert...
I found the folder, in which there are 4 files (advanced.php, default.php, default.xml, index.html).
Now what I have to do? What file I have to open? What I ahve to write?
Please can you help me?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Problem Autocomplete on search module 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Because this we asked FTP.

I not know what you use: are modules or component ?
I not know which layout you use?

If you not know PHP/CSS/HTML - you may add errors to files.

For us more simply add this self .

OrdaSoft team
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