We need a Classified Ads with the functionalities below :
a) Pay to post Ads (with 2CO or Stripe) :
Package no. 1 = 10 Ads/Year
Package no. 2 = 50 Ads/Year
You need or Pro template which include "Simple membership" or buy "Simple membership" - it permit create this
b) No E-commerce - No shopping card (just a simple Classified Ads)
In vehicle Manager - we not have this, In our Joomla CCK - you configure this
c) Messages = Online Users can contact the Advertisers (Dealers) by message box locating on each Ads …
If Vehicle Manager - depend from Vehicle Type - possible send to owner, or buy request, or rent request, or simply request, all fields in request forms - you can't change
In our Joomla CCK - You may add any request form with any fields
d) Extra Fields : many Integer Fields which could be search by Min./Max. values like the existing ‘Mileage’ field
In Vehicle Manager, extra fileds with "search by Min./Max. values" - you can't add. Only exist fields as Price or Mileage...
In OS Joomla CCK - you may add so many so fields as you wish
But start with Joomla CCK - better with some template
as example
Vehicle Booking car rental website template, or other our
website builder templates
OrdaSoft team