True say will need edit some place so I will show to you only how you can do that
You need open file
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
find function "displayVehicles" - and edit code in it. This function responsible for that layout
e.g. for show car model - responsible rows(there are we show column head) :
Code: |
echo "<td width='15%' class='sectiontableheader'{$params->get('pageclass_sfx')}>";
echo "</td>";"
so you need remove that (there are we show column content)
and also (there are we show column content)
Code: |
echo "<td width='15%'>";
if ($row->maker!=''||$row->vmodel!='') echo $row->maker.", ".$row->vmodel;
echo "</td>";
for other columns full exactly
But first please do file backup
OrdaSoft team