I think you are not read my previous message ! .
Whatever you told me which I have already done.
I am asking you after doing this I tried to install your file "ext_sh404sef_vehiclemanager_2012_04_18" by using extension manager which is mention in your "com_vehiclemanager.php" file. but I am getting error "JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file".
I have check setting "[Use sh404SEF plugin if available] " at BackEnd->Components->sh404SEF->ControlPanel->Configuration->sh404SEF_Configuration->ByComponent . This setting is already present.
I want to know that after successful installation & setting your component for sh404sef how my URL will look like ? Currently I am getting urls like
I want to know that, after transpiring file com_vehiclemanager.php in to exe_sef folder your sh404sef plugin is installed or I have to follow your instruction given in com_vehiclemanager.php file ?
waiting for your reply