Hi all,
I'm trying to add a new Community Builder tab in order to show rents info in addition of "my vehicles" shown by myvehicles plugin. I made a plugin myvehicles-like, changing XML info, and tab class and task management in php file's switch. Install was ok, tab is showing but there are no info inside. From now on i will name my new plugin myrents plugin, in order to simplify my explanation.
In myrents.php I deleted all switch cases and I only manage rent_history_vehicle task, in myvehicles.php i commented that case.
Making some tests, I noticed following the code trace that any echo put before vehiclemanager.php require is shown. After this, nothing appears.
I have seen inside vehiclemanager.php code for adding comprofiler params (tab=getmyvehiclestab&is_show_data=1) . I think problem in here. My home page is CB My Profile, so I need tabs filled although I didn'tarrived from task. Adding 1 tab (myvehicles) problem desappears switching by $option, but I have no var to switch if inside a option, there are 2 cases more.
I also have seen in vehiclemanager.html.php the function showTabs, what I suposed it has tab fill responsibility, but it has only commented code.
I'm very lost in that proccess and I will appreciate any help