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VehicleManager component support

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Net cars to Boats

Merugu (User)
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Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I have no words how disappointed i was to know that the vehicle manager fields cant be changes from joomla admin_component.
Really misguided and i feel I have been cheated but there is no point to cry now

I want to know now how can i change the fields by coding
I dont think i am not asking anything out of the box,
Please explain me properly. I dont mind to give a call or skype or email you as there no point of me staring at forms.

I know you wont give a shit how great need i am in, but all i ask is just 15mins as I i already paid for it.

I can assure you that i will run Affiliate Program for nothing.

please dont ask me for more money for God sake...
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Please check all in ours template you may change self or hire us or some other. Ours product
Open Source.

If you need change some text constants(field name as example), You may do that
with help Language file.
{your site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/languages/

Below small customization manual:

In Vehicle manager you may do that self, or you may hire us for that.

ours component have Open source,

it have two parts admin and frontend.

in admin you will see two files:

admin.vehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
admin.vehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare data

exactly for frontend
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php
{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.php

vehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show data
vehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare data

All connection between what user press in Browser - do with help TASK

also if you wish all Joomla class methods work. E.g when you create new
Vehicle with help
mosVehiclemanager class. you need also edit file

and add to class definition all new fields what you added to database

for work with review, responsible class from file
for work with buy request, responsible class from file
for work with rent, responsible class from file
for work with rent request, responsible class from file

Most simply way now add new field to vehicle definition - that rename any fields
what you no need with help language file.

also with help language file you may change options in all vehicle combobox
(options) fields

Also - any empty fields will not show at frontend

If you need change make/model - you need change below file:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/makers_and_models.txt

Also we added to ours component very many module template positions - so you
may add any module to very many places in Vehicle manager - with help Joomla
module manager

If you give full details what exactly you wish, we will self create that for

OrdaSoft team
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Merugu (User)
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Re:Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Unfortunaelty you cant use the word "you may hire us" in this as we cant sell the cars that you have in mind,It is supposed to be our style. I am guessing you guys made it so complex to just make money for customization if then I am ready to spend more money please make the plugin editable from backendORExplain in step by step procedure how to add one more "Exterior options" group and delete as well.I was awake from last 36 hours just to get hold of you, so please show some mercy. admin wrote:Hello,Please check all in ours template you may change self or hire us or some other. Ours product Open Source.If you need change some text constants(field name as example), You may do that with help Language file.{your site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/languages/Below small customization manual:In Vehicle manager you may do that self, or you may hire us for that.ours component have Open source,it have two parts admin and frontend.in admin you will see two files:{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/admin.vehiclemanager.html.phpsite}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/admin.vehiclemanager.phpadmin.vehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show dataadmin.vehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare dataexactly for frontend {yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.html.php{yours site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.phpvehiclemanager.html.php - responsible for show datavehiclemanager.php - responsible for prepare dataAll connection between what user press in Browser - do with help TASK variable.also if you wish all Joomla class methods work. E.g when you create new Vehicle with helpmosVehiclemanager class. you need also edit filesite}/components/com_vehiclemanager/vehiclemanager.class.phpand add to class definition all new fields what you added to databasefor work with review, responsible class from filevehiclemanager.class.review.phpfor work with buy request, responsible class from filevehiclemanager.class.buying_request.phpfor work with rent, responsible class from filevehiclemanager.class.rent.phpfor work with rent request,  responsible class from filevehiclemanager.class.rent_request.phpMost simply way now add new field to vehicle definition - that rename any fields what you no need with help language file.also with help language file you may change options in all vehicle combobox (options) fieldsAlso - any empty fields will not show at frontendIf you need change make/model - you need change below file:{yours site}/administrator/components/com_vehiclemanager/makers_and_models.txtAlso we added to ours component very many module template positions - so you may add any module to very many places in Vehicle manager - with help Joomla module managerIf you give full details what exactly you wish, we will self create that for you.Thanks,OrdaSoft team
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

I am sorry, I can't show to you what and where exactly you need change for add new fields like you asked.

For that you will need correct and check more one files, also will need add changes to Database.
So all that will need debug, but we in forum has many users who can't add one row to some exactly file line without error.
So try show to you how you may do that will go to many bad words from you and other customers who will try use that.

Please check ours Customer manual, if you know PHP/HTML for you all will simply

OrdaSoft team
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Merugu (User)
Junior Boarder
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Re:Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
where is the Customer manual for adding new fields?

thats all i was asking....

but the way you throwing two files at my face and never what to do after opening them is not good..

I am not paying a cent until unless i see the use of vehicle manager. I don't believe yet if suits my bussiness or not how can i pay more
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Net cars to Boats 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  

where is the Customer manual for adding new fields?
Version what you have, haven't interface for create custom fields.

You may add that only trough code update. And you need know for that PHP/HTML/CSS.

In "Vehicle manager custom manual" I described how Vehicle manager built. If you know PHP - you will can use that.

I am sorry, we can't study how PHP work

Again sorry,
Ordasoft team
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