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VehicleManager component support

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Dropdown to Textbox

Merugu (User)
Junior Boarder
Posts: 34
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Dropdown to Textbox 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I am compared files before and after editing, all you have done is removed comment and deleted checkbox and you charged $20 per hour BRAVO but fortunately you left "no of doors " I guessing either you cant fix or you guys are greedy for money but anyway i kept my back into it and I tired to edit but nothing happens what I am doing wrong?

Frontend before

//  $drive_type_list = mosHTML :: selectList($drive_type, 'drive_type', 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width: 140px"', 'value', 'text', _VEHICLE_MANAGER_LABEL_ALL);
  $drive_type_list = '<input type="checkbox" name="drive_type" id="drive_type" checked="checked"/>';

Frontend after

$drive_type_list = mosHTML :: selectList($drive_type, 'drive_type', 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width: 140px"', 'value', 'text', _VEHICLE_MANAGER_LABEL_ALL);


for "no of doors" what I have do? because it does not have commented lines
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Last Edit: 2013/09/30 16:56 By Merugu. Reason: 2months of frustration driving me crazy
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admin (Admin)
Posts: 8367
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Re:Dropdown to Textbox 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 102  
sorry, from your post look like we take from you thousand dollars and do noting or some thing very simple.

Real you need check all files before all files after.

In some post we wrote to you how change some field.

for Driver type as you see some part code look before :
$drive_type_list = mosHTML :: selectList($drive_type, 'drive_type', 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width: 140px"', 'value', 'text', _VEHICLE_MANAGER_LABEL_ALL);

and after
$drive_type_list = '<input type="checkbox" name="drive_type" id="drive_type" checked="checked"/>';

Sorry that little other compare with what you show.

so please with help Grep go thought all your files and find "drive_type" 0- so you will see what we did for "drive_type"
exactly please do for "doors"

ordasoft team
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