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Problems of translation component vehicle manager

redfueguina (User)
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Problems of translation component vehicle manager 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  
The vehicle manager component is installed in Joomla 3.4 perfectly. Problems that occur after the installation include the following:
- No features a full translation at least the Spanish language
- Does not have the option to publish and unpublish some cartacteristicas own a Auto
- No field brings a unique start and end date of the publication of the vehicle.
- No field has an exclusive patent for the vehicle. Consider that if you want to install the component to sell or arm yourself with a complete catalog of vechiulos to sell an important fact is the patent of the vehicle.
- Although the developers decen you can change the language using the language manager that includes the component for some reason there are chains that are not translated but nose reflected in the component or translate strings that look and not find them in the file you indicate spanish.php
- Although it is a component for Joomla does not bring to handle menu from the main panel of joomla.
- The component does not include all currencies. In my case I needed the weight $
- The technical support will resolve what can and what can not even if it is a component that should be corrected and all charge for any modification even basic.

my assessment of the component is not in the most positive since no less detail is that the component does nothing to SEO JOOMLA.

To better understand each URL generated by the component does not help the SEO of your website even when you install the componenete SH404SEF have a very long job to solve the problem of SEO that generates the component.

The component is still in development and if you want to spend weeks writing to technical support or help you solve the best component do not buy it.
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Taras (User)
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Re:Problems of translation component vehicle manager 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 58  
Vehicle Manager - Joomla automotive extension - has a slot of options and settings, but of course make all ideal for every customer not possible, but possible to make some thing special for every customer.

All your quires connected with features, that are exclusive. For, example - Does not have the option to publish and unpublished some characteristics own a Auto.

This can added by yourself, because we have open source or you can ask us about customization service.

The same for other.

SEO - Vehicle Manager - automotive Joomla component for car/vehicle management includes:
1. SEF URLs plugin for Vehicle Manager (Free)

SEF URLs plugin is SEO plugin based on sh404SEF for Vehicle Manager. It generates Search-Engine-Friendly URLs, which are useful in SEO and readable for users
2. Meta Tags plugin for Vehicle Manager (Free)

Meta Tags plugin is SEO plugin for Vehicle Manager Software that generates title, meta keywords and meta descriptions for every vehicle

Xmap plugin for Vehicle Manager (Free)

Xmap plugin is SEO plugin for Vehicle Manager Software that allows to add sitemap in your auto dealer website.

+ Unfortunately we do not know Spanish perfect, that's why, we have created Language Manager. You can Rename any text field and backend fileds with help : Language Manager.

Put any of Text Fields (for example - Amenities Manager) in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need.

To change Currency you need go to admin area
Vehicle Manager :: Settings - Administrator Settings - Price Options - Currency.
If you want to use other currencies, enter the values as: USD = 1; EUR = 3.15; or USD=; EUR=; Available for paypal currencies: AUD, CAD, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, JPY, NOK, NZD, PLN, SGD, SEK, CHF, USD ,RUB
Or turn off paypal and put any values in Currency field.

Also you can change price format.

ALSO you can create new fields. VehicleManager has Extra Fields manager (Components > Vehicle Manager > Setting page - Vehicle Page Settings)

Put Yes for any Custom Text Fields or Custom Dropdown Field.

Rename your field you can with help VehicleManager :: Language Manager - put any name of custom field in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need


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