
Joomla Real Estate v.6.3. Free, PRO Update

joomla real estate 6.3
  • Added meta tags in every property details;
  • Added meta tags in every category of property details;
  • Added date publication to every property;
  • Added date publication to every category of property;
  • Added Robots settings to every property;
  • Added Robots settings to every category of property;
  • Added possibility to add real estate layouts title from joomla menu settings;
  • Rebuilt joomla router for SEF URLs;
  • Added possibility to set 1.5, 2.5 ... rooms for our clients from Switzerland;
  • Added Real Estate menu names as TEXT constants - for possibility to rename with Joomla tools;
  • Save PDF files - with names from property names;
  • Added support last Joomla;
  • Added support last PHP;
  • Bug fix.

Meet new features of Joomla Real Estate in a new big update. This update introduces several new features, optimizations, and bug fixes that further enhance the functionality, customization options, and compatibility of the Joomla Real Estate extension.

One of the notable additions in this update is the inclusion of meta tags for every property and category of property details. Meta tags play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) by providing search engines with essential information about the content of web pages. With this update, you can now easily optimize your property listings and categories for improved visibility and search engine rankings.

To provide more comprehensive information and control, the update introduces the inclusion of publication dates for every property and category of property. This addition allows you to specify the date a property was published, providing users with valuable insights into the freshness of listings. Additionally, the update includes robots settings for each property and category, enabling users to define search engine crawler instructions for better indexing and ranking.

The latest update of Joomla Real Estate empowers users with enhanced customization options. Users can now add real estate layouts titles directly from Joomla menu settings, providing a convenient way to manage and configure the appearance and organization of real estate layouts.

Recognizing the importance of SEO-friendly URLs, the update includes a rebuilt Joomla router specifically tailored for Joomla Real Estate. This enhancement ensures that the generated URLs for property listings and categories are search engine-friendly and easily understandable to users. These clean and concise URLs contribute to better SEO rankings and improved user experience.

In response to market-specific requirements, the update introduces the possibility to set room options such as 1.5, 2.5, and so on, catering to clients from Switzerland. This feature allows real estate professionals to accurately represent properties with unique room configurations, aligning with the specific needs of the Swiss market.

To provide more flexibility in terms of branding and customization, the update now includes Real Estate menu names as TEXT constants. This enables users to easily rename menu items using Joomla's built-in language tools, allowing for seamless localization and customization to match specific branding or regional preferences.

Joomla Real Estate Manager now supports the ability to save PDF files with names derived from property names. This enhancement simplifies the management and organization of property-related documents, providing users with a streamlined process for generating and associating PDF files with their respective property listings.

In line with Joomla's latest releases, Joomla Real Estate ensures compatibility with the latest Joomla version, ensuring that users can benefit from the most up-to-date features and security enhancements. Furthermore, this update offers support for the latest PHP version, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.

More details: Joomla Real Estate

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Joomla CCK 8.0 Update

joomla cck library

Joomla CCK Update is released! This extension update includes a range of exciting new features and improvements. In this article, we will explore some of the key features that have been added to Joomla CCK.

  • Summary in component:
  • 01. Added library import.
  • 02. Added import of templates.
  • 03. Added custom import/export. (Pro version only).
  • 04. Changed the way menus are added.
  • 05. Changed the display of the following menu items in the admin panel:
  • 05.1 Request
  • 05.2 Rent Requests
  • 05.3 Buy Requests
  • 05.4 Orders
  • 06. The emails that are sent when you buy request from the cart, now display all products.
  • 07. Bugfix.
  • 08. Optimization and acceleration of work.

One of the most exciting new features in the update is the addition of a library import tool. This tool allows users to easily import a range of different parts of website templates into your website. This makes it easier for developers to add advanced functionality to their Joomla websites without having to write all the code.

Another significant addition to the Joomla extension update is the ability to import templates. With this feature, users can now import pre-made templates into Joomla, making it easier to create professional-looking websites quickly and easily.

Joomla's extension update also includes a custom import/export tool, which allows users to easily transfer data between different Joomla installations. This is particularly useful for users who have multiple Joomla websites and need to share data between them (Pro Version only).

The update also includes changes to the way menus are added. Additionally, the display of following menu items in the admin panel has been improved, making it easier to manage and update menus.

The email notifications that are sent when you buy request from the cart have also been improved in the update. These emails now display all the products that have been added to the cart, making it easier for users to keep track of their purchases.

In addition to these new features, the Joomla extension update also includes bug fixes and optimizations to improve the overall performance and speed of Joomla websites. This ensures that websites built using Joomla run smoothly and efficiently, providing a better experience for users.

Overall, the Joomla CCK update includes a range of exciting new features and improvements that make it easier than ever to build and manage Joomla websites. Whether you're a developer looking to add advanced functionality to your website or a business owner looking to create a professional-looking website quickly and easily.

Check more information about endless features of Joomla CCK! If you want to share your thoughts or ask any question you can always write to our support.

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Ordasoft website development company

Joomla Book library - NEW Version

We are happy to introduce you a new verson of Joomla Book Library, The best Joomla components for create books site.

We spent a lot effort on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF) for your Joomla book library website.

joomla book library


We fully rebuilt joomla router and methods of how we create URLs

Now, we created self router. URLs which we created for Joomla books websites are simple and excellent for SEO Search Engine Optimization and now you have Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF). Comparing with old and strange joomla router system - now things are more simple. You can create exactly what you need - and file router.php - now looks very simple. Now no need to know how joomla router system works. No need to study very confusing Joomla Router system. Now developers can simply change router and create exactly what they want.

joomla book sef url

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Joomla books websites

Together with the best SEF joomla books URLs. We now fully rebuilt title and meta tags settings.

Basically meta data in Joomla go from menu. There you may set exactly what you need

Joomla book library -  menu meta data

But now you can set meta tags and title exactly for Book's Authors / for Book's categories / and for every book in joomla book library

Joomla book library - meta tags

You can manage how meta tags sets from: admin -> components -> Book library -> Frontend settings -> Add Meta data manual

  • Don't meed to add meta data, just set meta tags with the help of another component like "sh404sef". So book library do not sets meta data
  • Add meta data manualy. We set meta tags form Joomla Menu settings and from meta tags settings in every Book library items: from books, from authors and from categories
  • Automatically generate and add meta data. We set meta tags form Joomla Menu settings and automatically generate from: book title, book description, authors and from categories
  • Automatically generate only is data is empty. We set meta tags form Joomla Menu settings and automatically generate from: book title, book description, authors and from categories - only for items where meta data were empty
Joomla book library -  meta tags settings

Download Joomla Book Library for free and create Joomla books website with Joomla book library.

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