Hello everyone! We want to share with you our new Joomla education template EducationStreem! It'll be available for download pretty soon. While you can see it's screenshots.
We have gathered all the best for those, who want to create an excellent website for universities, colleges, training companies and any organizations, which have a large catalogues of books. Yes, you understand right! We included our amazing Joomla component Book Library in EducationStreem. You'll be able to create your virtual library! Also we used the k2 Blog - favourite extension by all users.
In addition, you'll be able to output your events, to share your news articles with users, to display comments from the blog and to share your photos with helpness of our Image Joomla Gallery.
EducationStreem is ideal for creating websites any education school, from kindergarten to serious universities, corporate websites of companies, which will have oun blog and a library. Meet our EducationStreem and Download on OrdaSoft. See you!