Hi there,
I already have many articles are using {gallery}folder_name{/gallery} in many articles to showcause our portfolios. We would like to use your extension for our new website, but we don't want to re-create all the galleries again, because it will take lots of time.
Could the extension load images of the folder? We previously used the Simple Image Gallery Pro for it, so could we use your image gallery to do the same without the need to edit each article?
Thank you.
OrdaSoft joomla gallery we give to clients possibility upload images from any Joomla Folder, with help Zip Archive with Photos, and by upload image by image.
So you easy may move to OrdaSoft Joomla gallery from any other Joomla Gallery which you used before.
BUT, Any way in joomla articles - if you need show images with help our joomla gallery - you will need insert {image_short_code} or {category_short_code} or {gallery short code} from ordasoft joomla gallery
OrdaSoft team