"Joomla Shortcode" are short digit sequences, that are used to insert a small code fragment that allows you to insert specific effects into the article.
Joomla Gallery Shortcode is Joomla small code fragment that allow you to save time! By using Gallery shortcodes in your website, you don't need to upload a new photo every time. You could, for example, have a Gallery shortcode {os-gal-1} that when typed out exactly like that, would display the most popular photos on your Joomla website. Where 1 is ID number of your Photo Gallery.
By inserting only the "Gallery shortcode" you will immediately have most popular photos where you need it. A Joomla shortcode takes away the need for every time add photos, and simplifies things for you.
In Joomla Gallery open possibility in every your gallery settings saw "Gallery Shortcode". One image Shortcode, one category images Shortcode or many categories of images shortcode.
Just copy necessary for you "Gallery Shortcode" and add to your website page.
Photo Joomla Gallery give possibility with Joomla shortcode add to any pages of your website - one images. Just copy Gallery shortcode of one image {os-gal-1-3-24} where 1 - ID Photo Gallery, 3 - ID Photo Gallery category, 24 - ID of your photo.
Joomla Gallery give possibility with Joomla shortcode add to any pages of your website - shortcode with many images. Just copy Gallery joomla shortcode with many photos {os-gal-1-2-1,6,15} where 1 - ID Photo Gallery, 2 - ID category of Photo Gallery and 1,6,15 - ID of your photos.
Photo Joomla Gallery give possibility with "Joomla shortcode" add to any pages of your website - many categories of images. Just copy Gallery joomla shortcode {os-gal-1}, where 1 - ID Photo Gallery with many categories.