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Language, layout, and some more questions... (0 viewing) 

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Language, layout, and some more questions...

admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  
How can I now manage to edit "all houses" or "single category" when menu item is all houses, or single category?
Sorry, I not understand question. You have sh404sef - there in URL manager - you may set exatly so title as you need for any URL. As I understand you have not very many menu items to all houses and single category ?

Also, for the third time, how can I manage additional tab to load J! module?
Please in your template settings, turn on show template positions.
next add "tp=1" param to your URL for 1 house show. You will see all modules positions which our component has on your URL. So you may use these possitions in your Joomla module manager.
also please check settings: Real estate settings::House page settings ->Show Additional tab

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Oh, my God.

I wrote my problem few times, post you screenshots, and you still dont understand where is the problem.
So, I have to do it again...

In the page title when I choose all houses as menu item, I'm getting in page title "all houses", in menu item of single category, i'm getting "alone category".

All i want is that in page title stands menu item alias, or category name alias.

And for the additional tab, are you suggesting me to add module position in templatedetails.xml, and edit index.php of template, and after that add that position to specific joomla module?

This is additional tab module position with ?tp=1, can you tell me which is exact position, please (https://prnt.sc/26on9mc).

I'm not using Ordasoft template for this project, so can you guide me how to do it, or if you have documented on your web page, please give me the link.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  

And for the additional tab, are you suggesting me to add module position in templatedetails.xml, and edit index.php of template, and after that add that position to specific joomla module?
No no no, you no need edit nothing.
You need select any position which you see on your page. As example "com_realestatemanager_view_house_08" and set it for your module in menu module manager.
Joomla module manager permit insert for module any possition, not depend exist it in your template or not.
This is very useful when you with plugin "load module position" add some modules from YOUR position to some exactly article.

page title stands menu item alias
Sorry, as we wrote some post before, we special for you created new version where you may set exactly title in menu settings. Please check attachment

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 0  
So, I tried to follow your steps about additional tab, applied some module to that position, but that module doesn't load.

For the page heading and title, you simply didn't read my post careful or you didn't see screenshots that I sent.
Problem is that the page title, not page heading isn't showing correct. Page heading I have to remove in code, so that isn't issue here. It's page heading.

Here is settings on single menu item, single category:

Here is the page title display:

So the problem is, that on the PAGE TITLE it shows "Alone category"
Here is the code from page source:

And here is from global configuration:

But, on single item menu view (single house), page title is OK!!!


Still, when OS maps is enabled in component, maps still cannot be dragged in menu item category view, but in single item it can be dragged.

One more thing, please, you don't have to prepare anything specially for me, you just have to improve you component a little bit, and I'm sure that I'm pointing in right directions. I even promised that I will prepare 2 more translations for your component, to improve it, and all my suggestions and questions are honest tryout to improve your component.
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Last Edit: 2022/02/08 13:45 By denoza2.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  
applied some module to that position, but that module doesn't load.
Please, in module, check tab "Menu Assignment" - and set for all

Please in Joomla plugin manager, the plugin "Content - Load Modules" is enabled.

Problem is that the page title, in single category:
1. In Sh404sef - you may set exactly title as you wish to any URL !!!
2. In files:
- {site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php
- {site}/components/com_realestatemanager/meta_ext/realestatemanager.php
find and remove beloe code:

if (isset($view)) {
  $view = str_replace("_", " ", $view);
  $view = ucfirst($view);
  $title[] = $view;

Please backup files first

Still, when OS maps is enabled in component, maps still cannot be dragged in menu item category view, but in single item it can be dragged.
we updated component, SPECIAL for You and added there these changes !!! So if you update to last version - you will have this.
Please give to us
full FTP and supper admin access
and our team will find solution special for You, FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.

We need:

Link to website.

Detail description: How to reproduce error. Step by step. Detail description: how we may reproduce this.

Site Super Admin:

FTP host
FTP username
FTP password

OrdaSoft team.
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi all, I was busy with another project, so I'm back to adjust this component to the finest.

I still didn't update to the latest version, since I did some modification on .php and .css files, and have to backup it first.

Can you tell me how can we adjust to show just specific nearest location (for example just airports, hospital and restaurants) on location tab, or to remove the whole "nearest location"?
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