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Language, layout, and some more questions... (0 viewing) 

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Language, layout, and some more questions...

denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
admin wrote:
but still can't it to change language
sorry, I said not trusr, this work only when you add new languages, so if you raname this file and In "RealEstate::LanguageManager" press "Load Languages", the new language file with correct "lang_code" will upload.

So, for all users in future, this is the steps:
1. Install desired language to J! for site and admin (if you want to have admin also on your local language.
2. Go to component->language manager, select your language from drop down menu, and press Load language. First, check the language code in J! and in lang file of component, it should be the same.

But now, I have a problem when I try to edit constant values. I can't be edited. On english language, editing is possible! Does it really languages are in database, not in some lang file?

No, I don't mean in "All categories". I mean on single category
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default.php
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default2.php
Please in file default2.php
find row:

if ($is_exist_sub_categories) {

and replace it to

if (false && $is_exist_sub_categories) {

Please save this file. and in your menu, in "param" tab, please select this salyout

Thank you for that too. So that's mean we can have multiple views, if we know how to made it


For me, SH404sef - the best component for SEO, which permit set for every URL exactly what you need.
I not understand what with SEO our component do incorrect. Please give more details

On the tab (page name title), it shows some weird combination of alias names of categories (prnt.sc/26irayw), even if I turned on SEO settings in J!, and renamed htaccess. Also, I checked to show page name title before (prnt.sc/26irdlx).
Also on every page it shows category alias for the choosen menu (prnt.sc/26irech), even if I choose NO to show page heading (prnt.sc/26irfij).

Since we are in conversation, I have to ask you, how can we disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map, and let the visitor just to use + and - to do it? Its very unpleasant when the site is open, map is on the top, and when coursor is on the map, when we want to go down on the page, map zooms in...
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Last Edit: 2022/01/24 23:14 By denoza2.
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admin (Admin)
Posts: 8370
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 102  

But now, I have a problem when I try to edit constant values. I can't be edited. On english language, editing is possible! Does it really languages are in database, not in some lang file?

When we in our property listing software check current site language, we do check by many critaries (and lanf code also), and if we not found current language - we upload English.

Languages constants in language files - you may edit only before language uploaded. After language file added to Real estate Manager, all constants change you must do with help RealEstate::Language Manager. Because now constants in Database.

So that's mean we can have multiple views,
Our property listing software support Joomla view Override also. With create new self view - you will not lost your changes after update to new version our property listing software.

if I choose NO to show page heading
We wil lcheck how fix this in new version update

how can we disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map, and let the visitor just to use + and - to do it
For disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map,
You need in layout:
{your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/view_house/tmpl/default.php


replace to code:


             //kill zoom by mouse scrooll in OpenMap

and in layout:
{your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/map/tmpl/open_map.php


        setTimeout('initialize2<?php echo $map_uniq_id; ?>()',50)

replace to code:

         //kill zoom by mouse scrooll in OpenMap
         jQuerOs('#map_canvas<?php echo $map_uniq_id; ?>').css("pointer-events","none");


        setTimeout('initialize2<?php echo $map_uniq_id; ?>()',50)

Please backup layouts first

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
For disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map,
You need in layout:

With this code edit, zoom is enabled, and it only can zoom in with + and - sign on map.
But, after this code editing, map is not draggable any more, and it can't be zoomed in on desired place

I tried also google map, and google map option doesn't have problems with mouse wheel zoom. Also when google map is used, on location tab in single view it shows google picture of desired property.

Languages constants in language files - you may edit only before language uploaded. After language file added to Real estate Manager, all constants change you must do with help RealEstate::Language Manager. Because now constants in Database.
Your solution with language files is very rare, TBH I never saw that lang values are stored in database, but it's ok, your product-your decisions.
Just one question regarding this language things, in my tryouts to understand how its working, I edited some words on english language (more then 100). Is there some way to put original english lang file with one click, or maybe with phpmyadmin directly in database?

We wil lcheck how fix this in new version update
Can you tell me when new version will be released, and will be I allowed to d/l that new version, since I really didn't understand my options after I buy your compoment. It says that I will we allowed to d/l 3 times, but I don't understand in which time period I can d/l that.
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Last Edit: 2022/01/27 07:29 By denoza2.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 102  
I never saw that lang values are stored in database
When you do update, you ovveride all files - so all files changes will lost.
90% our customers more simply work wirth interface, and they not wish know what is it "FTP"

Can you tell me when new version will be released
Before making any upgrades, make backup yours site( files and DataBase). With that you will not lost something important.
You bought component, so you bought free support/update furing year. You may do update with help ordasoft activation/update interface

For disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map
Please update to latest version, there we changed behavior of the Openstreetmap with mouse wheels.

Is there some way to put original english lang file with one click,
No. with that you may lost all what you already added in DataBase with help Language manager.
So this possible only manual direct to database

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Please update to latest version, there we changed behavior of the Openstreetmap with mouse wheels.

Can you tell me is that new version is just for behavior of OS map, or some other things (files) are edited, just to know what to backup.

For me, SH404sef - the best component for SEO, which permit set for every URL exactly what you need.
I not understand what with SEO our component do incorrect. Please give more details

I installed SH404, any followed your instructions (prnt.sc/26mcx9c), but still for SEO in a page title, for example on home page I have "Site name I Real Estate Manager I All Houses", for some category is "Site name I Real Estate Manager I Alone Category", for single item is "Site name I Real Estate Manager I Category name I Sub Category Name I Item Title".

I still have an issue with your language files policy, but I will prepare Croatian and Bosnian translation for this component. I was part of translation team for J!2.5 for croatian lang, and also done a lot of translations for Phoca, TZ Portfolio, Virtuemart...

Belive me or not, I'm still trying (more then 7 days) to adopt this component to work like I think it should work, and I'm really on the edge of my patience.

For example, for removing of the page heading, even if it is set to no for each menu item, you have to remove this part of code, on each view (all_houses, all_categories, alone_category)-begins on line 16:

if(!empty($params['page_heading']) && $params['show_page_heading'] != 0){
    $rem_header = $params['page_heading'];
} else {
    $rem_header = $params->get('header');

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 2 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 102  

To new version of OrdaSoft property management software we try fix all what about you wrote as example Open Map, header, ...
We added there new layouts. Now we updating all our real estate templates

Whe we advice do backup, better if you will do backup full site as small 2 times per month - with that you not lost nothing.
In your case as small please do backup below folder:
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views

SH404sef - not change how look other pages, with help sh404sef - you may change for every page:
- page url,
- page title
- meta tags

also in
You may see our plugins for Sh404sef - which help to you automatical create meta tags and title for your houses.

Also, if you developer, please check our website builder it permit create website for anything and real estate also.
There you self create layouts exactly as you wish.
Please check our website builder templates
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