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Language, layout, and some more questions... (0 viewing) 

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Language, layout, and some more questions...

denoza2 (User)
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Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Helloo people.

Yesterday I bought PRO version this component, and I have some questions, 'cause I can't find answers on the site.

First of all, how can I change language for front and backend?

As you can see from PrtScr, I went to language manager of this component, on drowdown menu I choose language and I all got is possibility to change language strings.
Where, and how I can choose default language, at least for frontend?

Also where, and how I can edit (rename, add, remove...) items from drop down lists in "Houses" ->"Prices"->"Listing type", or "Listing status" or any of items of dropdown lists?

I have to say, that I'm not beginner in Joomla, but either this component is not installed OK (I tried 3 times on clean latest Joomla), or somebody have to guide me a little bit.

Thank you in advance!

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Last Edit: 2022/01/23 11:49 By denoza2.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  

In OrdaSoft Real estate plugin language for admin and frontend - you change exactly as for all other in Joomla,
Please go to admin->system->manage->languages, and there you may set default language for your Joomla 4 site or admin area.
If you use Joomla 3, Please go :
admin->Extensions->languages, and there you may set default language for your Joomla 3 site or admin area.

Every text constant or field or list field values or "mail message" in Real estate manager you may change with help RealEstate::Language manager
Please check below link:

Listing status - constant for change values: _REALESTATE_MANAGER_OPTION_LISTING_STATUS
Property type - constant for change values: _REALESTATE_MANAGER_OPTION_PROPERTY_TYPE

The "Listing type" field, for this field possible only next values

- - not selected
- for sale (you may rename with language manager)
- for rent (you may rename with language manager)
- for request (you may rename with language manager)

But you can't add new, because "Listing type" - is special field, we connect with it Rent or Sale workflow.

when "Listing type" set as "for rent" - item be accessible for "booking" and you will see in every so item the "calendar"

You may change "Listing type" with help Language manager

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Can you tell me exact plugin which will do the job?
I know how to set language, and I did set it for the front, and backend (prnt.sc/26ih9pf), also choose that language in your component (prnt.sc/26ihaf4), but language is still English. To be honest, I tried same thing on German, and it can't load language, even if it is in lang folder on server.

Only way to get translated words is to go on component-language manager and on english language manually translate all the strings

I figured out that all listings have to be changed in language file. To be honest, I never saw a payed component that have this kind of solutions for lists, types...

I spent last 2 days trying to get your component to work like I want, and to be honest it is very hard.
For example, I made translation for "for sale" string. When that listing is listed as "all houses" in menu I have "for sale" on english (prnt.sc/26ihhil), but when that is listed as a single item, that label is translated (prnt.sc/26ihiom).

Another thing, among many of them, how can I remove display of subcategories?
I set to NO in component settings (prnt.sc/26ihk6h), and subcategories doesn't show up on "all houses" menu item.
But on "single category" menu type, subcategories showing on the bottom of the page (prnt.sc/26ihl4a).

How SEO can be fixed? Using SEO settings in J! doesn't do the job, since your component give category name and alias on the tab, 'cause keywords and description using category alias and item alias.
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Last Edit: 2022/01/24 10:35 By denoza2.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  
>I know how to set language, and I did set it for the front, and backend
Please check: in your Joomla Language Manager, for your language, I see lang_code: "sr-YU" .
But if you go to our Serbian lang file, you will see lang_code'=>'sr-RS'
Please go to :
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/lang/Srpski.php
and there
row :

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'sr-RS', 'title'=>'Serbian (Latin)');

replace to

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'sr-YU', 'title'=>'Serbian (Latin)');

I figured out that all listings have to be changed in language file
I not understand what you mean, in language (with help RealEstate::Language manager) you may change only "text constants".
But "text constant" you may change as for any label and for "field name" and for "select list values"

how can I remove display of subcategorie
and subcategories doesn't show up on "all houses" menu item.
Do you mean in "all Categories" ? because in "all houses" - we not show categories at all !
In 1 category we show it's subcategories, because else: your clients will can't go to subbcategory. If you no need Subcategories, you may not create them.

How SEO can be fixed?
Sorry, what you mean ?
there 2 ways:
- You may use sh404sef component (we have plugins to it), This component permit change for SEO anything (title, kewwords...) for any URL
- Or you may
in file:
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php

check function "addTitleAndMetaTags" which we use for create MetaTags.

OrdaSoft team
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denoza2 (User)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 0  
admin wrote:
>I know how to set language, and I did set it for the front, and backend
Please check: in your Joomla Language Manager, for your language, I see lang_code: "sr-YU" .
But if you go to our Serbian lang file, you will see lang_code'=>'sr-RS'
Please go to :
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/lang/Srpski.php
and there
row :

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'sr-RS', 'title'=>'Serbian (Latin)');

replace to

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'sr-YU', 'title'=>'Serbian (Latin)');

I already noticed that before, and done that, but still can't it to change language (prnt.sc/26ijplq). Did you maybe forgot to put "save" button on language manager, when language is selected from drop down menu?

How SEO can be fixed?
Sorry, what you mean ?
there 2 ways:
- You may use sh404sef component (we have plugins to it), This component permit change for SEO anything (title, kewwords...) for any URL
- Or you may
in file:
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php

check function "addTitleAndMetaTags" which we use for create MetaTags.

Sorry, are you trying to tell me that I have to spend another 40+ dollars on another component, just to make that your component works OK?
Or I have to adjust your function on the .php page that have 8000+ lines of code?

how can I remove display of subcategories

Do you mean in "all Categories" ? because in "all houses" - we not show categories at all !
In 1 category we show it's subcategories, because else: your clients will can't go to subbcategory. If you no need Subcategories, you may not create them.

No, I don't mean in "All categories". I mean on single category, just like I wrote.
I need to have more subcategories, but I don't want to show them in tree view, I don't want them to show at all (prnt.sc/26ihl4a). How can I do that?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language, layout, and some more questions... 3 Years ago
Karma: 102  
but still can't it to change language
sorry, I said not trusr, this work only when you add new languages, so if you raname this file and In "RealEstate::LanguageManager" press "Load Languages", the new language file with correct "lang_code" will upload.
Other this wil lneed do direct in Database.
Could you give to us
full FTP and supper admin access
and our team will fix this special for You, FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.

No, I don't mean in "All categories". I mean on single category
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default.php
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default2.php
Please in file default2.php
find row:

if ($is_exist_sub_categories) {

and replace it to

if (false && $is_exist_sub_categories) {

Please save this file. and in your menu, in "param" tab, please select this salyout


For me, SH404sef - the best component for SEO, which permit set for every URL exactly what you need.
I not understand what with SEO our component do incorrect. Please give more details

OrdaSoft team
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