admin wrote:
but still can't it to change language
sorry, I said not trusr, this work only when you add new languages, so if you raname this file and In "RealEstate::LanguageManager" press "Load Languages", the new language file with correct "lang_code" will upload.
So, for all users in future, this is the steps:
1. Install desired language to J! for site and admin (if you want to have admin also on your local language.
2. Go to component->language manager, select your language from drop down menu, and press Load language. First, check the language code in J! and in lang file of component, it should be the same.
But now, I have a problem when I try to edit constant values. I can't be edited. On english language, editing is possible! Does it really languages are in database, not in some lang file?
No, I don't mean in "All categories". I mean on single category
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default.php
Please copy file
{Your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/alone_category/tmpl/default2.php
Please in file default2.php
find row:
Code: |
if ($is_exist_sub_categories) {
and replace it to
Code: |
if (false && $is_exist_sub_categories) {
Please save this file. and in your menu, in "param" tab, please select this salyout
Thank you for that too. So that's mean we can have multiple views, if we know how to made it
For me, SH404sef - the best component for SEO, which permit set for every URL exactly what you need.
I not understand what with SEO our component do incorrect. Please give more details
On the tab (page name title), it shows some weird combination of alias names of categories (, even if I turned on SEO settings in J!, and renamed htaccess. Also, I checked to show page name title before (
Also on every page it shows category alias for the choosen menu (, even if I choose NO to show page heading (
Since we are in conversation, I have to ask you, how can we disable wheel zoom for Openstreet map, and let the visitor just to use + and - to do it? Its very unpleasant when the site is open, map is on the top, and when coursor is on the map, when we want to go down on the page, map zooms in...