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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs (0 viewing) 

Joomla Translate module support

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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs

admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Select Language
I am sorry, now you may change this text only in file

Norwegian = “no” - this is mus exactly like now

Hebrew = iw - In SefTranslate you may replace to "he" or use as now cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,

1 - the exact file is site/modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php line 788

2 - Hebrew - corrected to "he"

3 - Norwegian, I mean, into th efile you wrote:
Norwegian = “no”
while should be without ".."
Norwegian = no
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Last Edit: 2019/04/02 00:16 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Norwegian = “no”
Need exactly as we wrote, but you may change and check

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Andrew,
I'm asking because I tested it and:

Norwegian = no

seems to run without any issue...
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  
So please use.

Norwegian = “no”
I not remember why we use this, but for this exist some cause of

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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
summarizing the topic, here the v. 4.5 future Roadmap were:

joomleb wrote:
- Right now the SEF Translate module "Languages Dropdown List" is established from the english file: /components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini

- SEF Translate knows which language has been selected into the SEF Translate module Languages Dropdown List

- We'll have to transform the generic languages.ini into:

- And tell to SEF Translate:
when English is selected the en-EN.languages.ini file is loaded
when French is selected the fr-FR.languages.ini file is loaded

In this way all the languages ini files will have the languages list yet translated and the alphabetical order (per language) as we want...

PS: would be good to move all the .ini language files into the respective frontend .../Languages/en-EN/ ...etc. folders.
In this way your customers (we) could use also the default Joomla Languages Overrides feature if needed (or preferred)

SEF Translate 4.6 version has been released and as far as I see any of the features above have been added yet.
So, I tested it on "PHP 7.2.17 + Joomla 3.9.8 (English as default Administrator site language + Spanish as default Frontend language) + SEF Translate 4.6 Commercial" (Translation Method: Instant) with:
- mod_seftranslate_pro_4_6_2019_04_18 = SEF Translate Module 4.5.5 apr 19
- com_seftranslate_commece_4_6_2019_04_18 = SEF Translate Component 4.6.1 apr 19
and I tried to apply the same workaround we found on this topic.

1 - Issue - Where can I edit the "Select Language" into the SEF Translate language dropdown selector ?
Fix - Editing the file is site/modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php line 809 (was line 788 in previous version)
Test site where I applied it changing "Select language" TO "Idioma" (Spanish) > Versus > Test default site
Please, Can you confirm ?

2 - .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file: Hebrew = iw - It is running, I tested changing TO he and the Hebrew language disappear from the Module list
Please, Can you confirm ?

3 - .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file: Norwegian = “no” - It is running, I tested changing it TO no (without " " ) and the Norwegian language disappear from Module list
Please, Can you confirm ?

4 - Bug - CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED, like all the languages with double words separated by _ , are not translated.
Fix - Tested changing it with CHINESE SIMPLIFIED and/or CHINESE and both they are running > Versus > Test default site where CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED is not translated.
Please, Can you confirm ?

5 - Bug - When I select one language from the list, also the languages list is translated into the selected language. But the ENGLISH one listed is translated into "Inglés" (the Spanish name of ENGLISH). Only when Chinese, Japanes, Korean, Persian, Thai, languages are selected the "English" is translated into the right translated word.
I suppose it is an issue related to the thing that the default .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file is in English while my default frontend language is Spanish (English is the default Administrator site language).
You can Test and see it in action here on the default Test site

6 - Having the default Frontend site set to Spanish and to solve Alphabetical ordering List, I have to translate the languages and reorder them into the .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file
As you know, a lot of languages words in Spanish have the accent, like GERMAN > ALEMÁN, or ARABIC > ÁRABE.
Bug - As you can see here on the Test modfied site, the upper case accented letter are not recognized anymore, infact also ÁRABE is moved "automatically" at the end of the list (in the languages.ini file it is in the right position at the begin of the list).
PS Anymore because in 4.5 there were no problems about it, you can see it running like a charm on my Live site
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Last Edit: 2020/05/04 17:17 By joomleb.
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