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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs (0 viewing) 

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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs

joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,

7 - many thanks to infograf768 on Joomla Language forum we have the right code suggestments to solve this bug. Please, read all the discussion carefully

6D - About to modify "locale order" using some javascript:
- javascript sort with unicode
- How to compare Unicode strings in Javascript?
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Last Edit: 2019/07/01 20:59 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Thank you for your research !

I am sorry, all not so simply
Please check, all these errors and modifications need if we start translate languages.ini or create this file for every language. Where every user may set your languages.

Also, "Select list" with languages we created one time, when we create web page. So if we start translate languages.ini, and we will need reorder languages depend of how they look after translate. We will need Create Javascript - which will every time recreate list with languages

Sorry, we will move all this to next version

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,

Sorry, we will move all this to next versionThanks, I listed this into the Wishlist topic I made for next version

Why the "Á" is not transformed lowercase (when it is not the initial letter) ?

As I explained above it is because the php native method strtolower() does not work with UTF8.

Just explain the developer of the extension that he has to use

StringHelper:trtolower() after namespacing by adding `use JoomlaStringStringHelper;` when J version is 3.9+

It will solve the issue nicely EVERYWHERE a similar code exists as it is totally UTF8 compatible.
Anyway, I think this is the first step

I stay tuned here to help!

PS - Please, meanwhile, Is there a simple way to skip the reorder rule (switch off) to have it running well on our sites ?
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Last Edit: 2019/07/02 14:59 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Is there a simple way to skip the reorder rule (switch off)
Please in file

{your site}/modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php

find and remove next row


     $show_lang_arr1 = ksort($show_lang_arr) ; //try sort but not work with unicode

Please backup this file firs

OrdaSoft team
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  
it-IT.languages.ini etc.

Have not sense. Default language 1, so languages.ini - also 1. and this file you may correctly translate to default language and set ordering exactly as you need.
We can't switch between :

default languages we receive from file - next from translate engine. Else need with help aJax every time reload "select list".

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 4 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Admin,
many thans for your reply. I understood. Anyway:

A - would be good to better build the installation and put a little bit of order in file folders. I mean:
Right now the SEF Translate frontend module "Languages Dropdown List" is established from the generic english file .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini
>>> While it should be move and renamed to: .../language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_seftranslate.languages.ini

A second step would be to have it dependant:
- when SEF Translate > Settings > Main > Website Main Language: English >>> it will look for the /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_seftranslate.languages.ini file
- when SEF Translate > Settings > Main > Website Main Language: Spanish >>> it will look for the /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_seftranslate.languages.ini file

B - First letter always upper case BUG - Into the languages.ini if I wrote them all Lower case, like "árabe = ar", "alemán = de", "coreano = ko", into the dropdown menu are shown always as "Árabe", "Alemán", "Coreano", but I need them all lower case. Please, Can you fix it ?!?

C - the "Á" BUG should be fixed - Into the languages.ini if I wrote them all Upper case, like "ÁRABE = ar", "ALEMÁN = de", "COREANO = ko", into the dropdown menu are shown as "Árabe", "AlemÁn", "Coreano". Right now the "Á" is not transformed lowercase (when it is not the initial letter). In my opinion would be good to do not apply any transformations, so the languages will be wrote always as we want. Anyway, this is the explication why it is happening:

"...As I explained above it is because the php native method strtolower() does not work with UTF8.
Just explain the developer of the extension that he has to use
StringHelper:trtolower() after namespacing by adding `use JoomlaStringStringHelper;` when J version is 3.9+
It will solve the issue nicely EVERYWHERE a similar code exists as it is totally UTF8 compatible..."
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