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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs (0 viewing) 

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Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs

admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

I am sorry, we can't confirm and support any custom changes.
If you change something in code - this exist only in your version !!!

This is Google API - it work only as it is

I can say: nothing

As you asked , we added ordering to languages in module. As you see this not always work

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
as I wrote you in past, we bought SEF Translate because is a useful extension. We are not used to waste time. We are used to be collaborative and invest time with developers (you) to have always a better extension that can cover always our customer needs

This is why in first of all, as I summarized on my previous post, we agreed that this should be the simplest and logical solution about this Language + Alphabetical ordering List "issue":
- Right now the SEF Translate module "Languages Dropdown List" is established from the english file: /components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini

- SEF Translate knows which language has been selected into the SEF Translate module Languages Dropdown List

- We'll have to transform the generic languages.ini into:

- And tell to SEF Translate:
when English is selected the en-EN.languages.ini file is loaded
when French is selected the fr-FR.languages.ini file is loaded

In this way all the languages ini files will have the languages list yet translated and the alphabetical order (per language) as we want...

PS: would be good to move all the .ini language files into the respective frontend .../Languages/en-EN/ ...etc. folders.
In this way your customers (we) could use also the default Joomla Languages Overrides feature if needed (or preferred)

Now, waiting those features in the next SEF Translate release, I updated this discussion after 4.6 release reporting the "issues" that are still there and suggesting fixes for them. It would be better to have more attention on your part to be able to fix these small bugs in the next versions and have always a better and better SEF Translate extension. This is why I ask you to read carefully all topic from its begin.
Anyway, I try to be more detailed:

1 - This is not a "custom change". SEF Translate module have an issue:
The "Select language" is not managed by the language file, but by the .../modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php file.
"Select language" is "English".
If I have English set as Frontend default language there is no problem. But, if I have another language than English, let me say Spanish set as Frontend default language there is a problem: "Select language" (languages.ini) should be in Spanish, not in English, like "Selecciona Idioma" OR those words will appear in English on a Spanish site. So, following the suggestion you made me in previous post:
FIX - Editing the file is site/modules/mod_seftranslate/tmpl/default.php line 809 (was line 788 in previous 4.5 version)
Test site where I applied it changing "Select language" TO "Idioma" (Spanish) > Versus > Test site with default "Select language"
Not only "Can you confirm ?" answer would be a good thing for all users here, but also a small note about this into SEF Translate documentation would be "a must"

2 - 3 - I reported these because something seem to be changed from 4.5 version to 4.6 version, and a confirmation by you is needed:
2 - .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file: Hebrew = iw - On previos 4.5 version I had to change it TO he to have it running. Now it is running with iw, while I tested changing TO he and the Hebrew language disappear from the Module list.
About this Google say that it should be with both iw and he. This is why "Please, Can you confirm ?"
3 - .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file: Norwegian = “no” - On previos 4.5 version I had to change it TO no to have it running. It is running, I tested changing it TO no (without " " ) and the Norwegian language disappear from Module list.
About this you wrote: "This is Google API - it work only as it is" But Google say that it should be only no. This is why "Please, Can you confirm ?"
May be a Google API update is needed ?!?

4 - Bug - Into the languages.ini you wrote: CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED, like all the languages with double words separated by _
In this why Google cannot translate CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED because for Google is like one word !
FIX - Is really too simple, change it with CHINESE SIMPLIFIED by default. I tested it and it is running like a charm.
Here you can see running the default CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED languages.ini, that is not translated.
The "Please, Can you confirm ?" means also to confirm the Fix for next release.

5 - Bug - When I select one language from the list, also the languages list is translated into the selected language.
But the ENGLISH one listed is translated always into "Inglés" (the Spanish name of ENGLISH). When Chinese, Japanes, Korean, Persian, Thai, languages are selected the "English" is translated into the right translated word.
I suppose it is an issue related to the thing that the default .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file is in English while my default frontend language is Spanish (while English is the default Administrator site language).
I believe the bug deserves to be investigated by you.
You can test and see it in action here on the default languages.ini Test site.

6 - Alphabetical ordering List
When I spoke about it I meant that all the times we select the language the module language list should be alphabetical reordered using the translated words.
Right now the default alphabetical list is established by the .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file and just for the default language.
Now, you wrote: "we added ordering to languages in module. As you see this not always work", the question is that:
6A - the Alphabetical ordering is useful only if applied each time I selected each language and on all translated words. This is not happening, take a look on my test sites.
6B - This issue will be manually solved when the waited SEF Translate update that will transform languages.ini TO en-EN.languages.ini, fr-FR.languages.ini, etc. will be released, because we'll can edit manually reorder each language file.
Are you agree ?

7 - Bug - Upper case accented or special like Ñ letters are not recognized
As you know, a lot of languages words in Spanish have the accent, like GERMAN > ALEMÁN, or ARABIC > ÁRABE.
- inside the SEF Translate Module selector as you can see all special Ñ or Á letters are still upper case because are not recognized. In case of ÁRABE, it cuse that the word is moved at the end of the list (for the reordering alphabetical rule you added, in the languages.ini file it is in the right position at the begin of the list)
- but also inside the SEF Translate Component (I attach an image for you)
Please, How to have the The recognition of special letters that will also resolve the alphabetic reordering of the list ?
This is the most urgent bug fix !
As far as I understand is not a server issue, Am I right ?
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Last Edit: 2019/06/19 10:30 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

1 - we in new version will add constant for this

2 - we add to new version custom changes from users only if this will look like useful to 90% users. So if you add some changes - in new version - you may lost this. So you need remember all steps: where and which you changes

3 "no" - we use quota there because we have some errors without quota, so we can't remove that.

1, 4 this from set I not understand Chinese - so when it wrote by English - we see what real happened
- we will add this to new version

5 - we will investigate

6,7 - need investigate, your solution look not simply for end Users, but SefTranslate also not simply and add something like this - do it more complicate

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi OrdaSoft Team,

1 - Wonderful ! That's the solution.

2 - 3 Okay, I just report it for you

I don't know if you understood me, be careful, it is not a Chinese problem.
What I mean is that all 2 words languages with _ into the languages.ini file are not translated:
- This beacause for translator CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED is one word !
- While CHINESE SIMPLIFIED are two words.
FIX - I tested replacing "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED" (for example) with "CHINESE SIMPLIFIED" into the languages.ini and it is running without any issue.
Please, Can you confirm it (that removing "_" will not cause any SEF Translate issue) ?
Can you confirm the FIX it on next release: removing all the the two words "_" connections into languages.ini ?
HMONG_DAW = mww = HMONG DAW = mww
MyanmarBurmese = my = Myanmar Burmese = my

5 - ENGLISH Bug When I select one language from the list, also the languages list is translated into the selected language. But the ENGLISH one listed is translated into "Inglés" (the Spanish name of ENGLISH). Only when Chinese, Japanes, Korean, Persian, Thai, languages are selected the "English" is translated into the right translated word.
Note - If the default .../components/com_seftranslate/languages.ini file is in the frontend language, Spanish in this case, the issue seem to disappear.
So, transforming the generic languages.ini into:
it-IT.languages.ini etc.
as detailed above, will solve this issue...

6 - Alphabetical ordering List
...your solution look not simply for end Users, but SefTranslate also not simply and add something like this - do it more complicate...
Sorry, but I think that can seem not simply for you, but really too simply for end Users and for logic:
- 6A - 100% Joomla integrated, as joomla wants the extension have to work
- 6B - moving all the .ini language files into the respective frontend .../Languages/en-EN/ - .../Languages/fr-FR/ ...etc. folders customers will can use also the default Joomla Languages Overrides feature if needed (or preferred instead to edit the file respective)
- 6C - the reordering alphabetical rule you added will no longer be strictly necessary, because for each language the order will be the fisical order into the respective en-EN.languages.ini, fr-FR.languages.ini, it-IT.languages.ini, etc. ...
- 6D - the reordering alphabetical rule will be and would be a very good add-on if and ONLY when the point 7 has been solved and ONLY if applied after each time a language has been selected and the list translated.

7 - Bug - Upper case accented or special like Ñ letters are not recognized
Please, this is the most urgent bug fix ! Which allows me to use last SEF Translate release. Please, Let me know if you need more informaions about.
Meanwhile, Please, How can I take over / disable the reordering alphabetical rule you added for the languages.ini > Please take a look and be careful on point 6D: right now this feature, as it is working, does not adding anything new to being able to manually rearrange the list within the languages.ini file
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  



If you checked and for you this work good, please use.

For my experience "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED" has less errors possibility.
"CHINESE SIMPLIFIED" - need much test.

If you checked and for you this work good, please use.

6 - Alphabetical ordering List
This good solution - but it more look like solution for developers, very less end users will wish manual set ordering in files.

But another simply solution - I not see.

7 - Bug - Upper case accented or special like Ñ letters are not recognized
There need much investigate, We kill some time for try fix this and could .

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:Language + Alphabetical ordering List - BUGs 5 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
If you checked and for you this work good, please use.
For my experience "CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED" has less errors possibility.
"CHINESE SIMPLIFIED" - need much test
Please, check and update us. From our point of view the tests have been successful, we have not detected any problems

6 - Alphabetical ordering List
6D - the reordering alphabetical rule will be and would be a very good add-on if and ONLY when the point 7 has been solved and ONLY if applied after each time a language has been selected and the list translatedPlease, can you add reordering alphabetical rule in this way?

7 - Bug - Upper case accented or special like Ñ letters are not recognized
This is the most urgent bug fix !
There need much investigate, We kill some time for try fix this and couldI made more tests:
- 7A - We can exclude that is a bug related to the Template, Google Noto Sans Font and UTF8 in the head section
- 7B - We can totally exclude a Joomla issue
- 7C - As you know, having Spanish as Joomla default frontend language, I translated the languages.ini file from English to Spanish, for example:
ARABIC = ar > ÁRABE = ar
GERMAN = de > ALEMÁN = de
KOREAN = ko > COREANO = ko
- if I wrote them all Upper case, like "ÁRABE = ar", "ALEMÁN = de", "COREANO = ko", into the dropdown menu are shown as "Árabe", "AlemÁn", "Coreano".
- if I wrote them with the initial capital letter, like "Árabe = ar", "Alemán = de", "Coreano = ko", into the dropdown menu are shown as "Árabe", "Alemán", "Coreano".
- if I wrote them all Lower case, like "árabe = ar", "alemán = de", "coreano = ko", into the dropdown menu are shown as "Árabe", "Alemán", "Coreano".
Always, the "Árabe" is moved automatically at the end of the list.

This mean that:
a - Doesn't matter if I wrote it "ÁRABE = ar", or "Árabe = ar", "árabe = ar", the initial capital letter is always transformed in Upper case.
b - Doesn't matter if I wrote it "ÁRABE = ar", or "Árabe = ar", "árabe = ar", the rest of the letters are always transformed in Lower case.
c - Just the Upper case special characters like "Á" and "Ñ" are not recognized. While if Lower case like "á" and "ñ" are well recognized
d - The Upper case character Á of "Árabe" is not recognized and is always moved automatically at the end of the list by the alphabetical reorder rule.
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Last Edit: 2019/07/01 10:19 By joomleb.
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