Try to Install Quickstart Package. Quickstart Package allow you install in few clicks Joomla template, Joomla extensions and Demo data, in final you get full Joomla website.
In the downloaded file, you can find the folder with name "Quick_start_*Tempate Name"
Follow our documentation
or if you still have problem and you need resolve the error 500 Internal Server Error in file "htaccess.txt" need to make changes:
Options + FollowSymLinks directive replaced by Options + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Comment out parameter + ExecCGI
Comment out setting AddHandler, php_value, php_flag
Comment out the directive -MultiViews
Comment out the parameter in .htaccess can be added to the beginning of the string "#" sign. For example need to comment + ExecCGI - it will look like this:
# + ExecCGI
OrdaSoft team.