1) For some reason when I installed a template via demo installation package, I don't have the store filter
Strange, for me all good. Please check "Search home" module - in joomla module manager
In it in "selected layout" param must be set 48
also please go to components-> OS CCK->Layout Manager - and resave there 48 layout
if this not help: Could you give to us
full FTP and supper admin access
and our team will find solution special for You, FTP and admin access You can send to our contact form.
We need:
Link to website.
Detail description: How reproduce error. Step by step. Detail description: how we may reproduce this.
Site Super Admin:
FTP host
FTP username
FTP password
2) How can I add/change/delete parameters of the product? I can see brand, colour, material but where do I modify it?
In our
joomla CCK you self create all layouts for add, show, search ... You do this in components-> OS CCK->Layout Manager
so there you need check "Add instance layout" and "Show instance Layouts" for entity "Shoe goods"
also please check: if you need new fields, you must add it in "add Instance layout" first.
Please check our
joomla website builder documentation
3) Is there a ready language packs (Russian, Latvian) which I could download for the Shoe Store?
Russian included to our
joomla website builder But Latvian - you will need add self(we wll hapy f you will send to us language file)
Also please check: we translate only interface. All layout you create self, and you create them on language which you need. If you need multilingual site - you need create all layouts on every your language
Now in CCK language for interface go from default Joomla site configuration.
So if you correctly configured Joomla Language - CCK - will use this language.
BUT, for Russian language - we translated not all language constants.
So you need self correct files:
{your site}//language/en-GB/en-GB.com_os_cck.ini
{your site}/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_os_cck.sys.ini
{your site}/language/administrator/en-GB/en-GB.com_os_cck.ini
{your site}/language/administrator/en-GB/en-GB.com_os_cck.sys.ini
OrdaSoft team.
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month