In Vehicle Manager - Car software for joomla (
You may Rename or change (for dropdown) any field or text with help VehicleManager :: Language Manager,
put any name of custom field in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need
For creating new fields VehicleManager has Extra Fields manager
(Components > Vehicle Manager > Setting page - Vehicle Page Settings)
Put Yes for any Custom Text Fields or Custom Dropdown Field.
can we add or delete countries?
Please check: in Vehicle Manager, you now may fill country, region and city or as "text fields" or as "Select list field". You may do this with help option "admin"->"VehicleManager"->"Setting"->"Global Settings"-> "Show country, region and city option as text field"
If you set it to NO - You will see "Select List" for "countries, cities, regions". You may set all countries, cities, regions with help the files:
{your site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/countrys_and_regions.txt
{your site}/components/com_vehiclemanager/regions_and_citys.txt
Please backup them first
OrdaSoft team