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VehicleManager component support

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Create boats website advice

admin (Admin)
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create boats website advice 3 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Can you give me some advice?
This component vehicle manager I need to sell boats not cars, so I need to
change several parts of the component.

I need to change:
Vehicle type:
ALL Features - I need to delete some features, and add a new features..

Can you send me some documentation for that or give me more information?

1 . Please check our website builder component first. There you may create site for any type and for sell boats also. There you simply may add new fields, change any form ...
Please check our website builder templates

2, Yes, you may create "sell boats" site with help our vehicle manger website software,
we have 2 boats website templates created with help Vehicle Manager.

Maker and model - You need edit below file:

Vehicle type - you may change with Vehicle Manager::Language Manager

ALL Features - you may change with Vehicle Manager::Features Manager, there you simply may add/remove any features

Also please check vehicle manger website software documentation tab

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