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VehicleManager component support

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Falang Support

Frankie667 (Visitor)
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Falang Support 12 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I'm building a website for a vintage car dealer and need to deliver all contents (including details of the cars) in german and english.

I already asked vis email if your software supports this feature and got an answer offering two possibilities:

1. create two categories (german and english), put in all contents twice and simply have two category links for english and german

2. use falang

First option is simple but I'm not sure: how does the software put out the right german/english translations for attribute names?

Do you offer fitting XML files for falang?

beste regards
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Falang Support 12 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Hello Frank,

For Vehicle site translate you may also use ours component SefTranslate.

Sorry for Falag we haven't XML file, you will need create it self or order from us or some other.

With create two menus. Please try create that and you will see how that will work. Options values for Select list box we take from language files, so you will need only adjust language files for languages what you will use.

OrdaSoft team
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rutger1973 (User)
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Re:Falang Support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I am strugling with the same thing. I need my website in 3 languages and I am not sure how to do that. I use the build in translator for Joomla 2.5 so I make all content 3-fold. Does that mean that I have to have 3 versions of the module, use the language packs for the 3 languages, put in content 3 times and connect them to 3 menu-items?

If I make 3 categories and place my content in there, how can I link to a category and stay in that language while visitor use the search?

all help is highly appreciated

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Last Edit: 2012/09/27 20:11 By rutger1973.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Falang Support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 102  

With multi language content for one site With set categories for search - need use only FaLang,
Now exist full multi language support only for interfaces.
For content - sef component nou not full support that

You may order that as custom version - from ordasoft form, with that all other users will take these features more quickly

OrdaSoft team
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rutger1973 (User)
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Re:Falang Support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi there

I'm truly sorry but I still do not understand.

- can I get the whole free component multilanguage or must I buy the pro version
- I can make 3 categories and add 3 x times the content.. no problem, but how do I connect a menu-item to each category? At the menu manager I can only choose "all categories".

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Falang Support 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Vehicle manager free and pro support multi language site.
But if for Pro version all languages go included in install package. In free version - you need self add language files:

Please check ours documentation page:

In free version you can't create menu to alone category built in Vehicle manager tools.

In Free version Vehicle manager, link to category you need build as "external link" type.

So you go to catgory link to what you need create as menu, save that link, next you go to jomla menu manager - and create "external link menu item" and sate for it link what you saved before and set language - what you wish

OrdaSoft team
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