I am looking at the package with the free version right now.
The site will be located at
www.lotun.vcom if that matters
My questions, all with using paypal:
Can I charge individuals for their ads with also charges for images(over a certain number) and things like being in the slider(or other) and can they enter their own ads from the front after a log in?
Can dealer(s) upload their inventory via cvs, or other and be charged per number of ads - say for a month in advance?
We will be servicing cars, trucks, commercial, boats, airplanes, farm equip and other. To be split off after a sizeable growth. No rentals here.
example break down:
car ad = 25.00
after 10 pics, 1.00 each
to top 2.00 (slider)
bold or other 1.00
We won't be having payments for vehicles on the website. That places us in the middle and not a good thing for us. Just let the buyer contact the seller.
So far, I like what I see.
One of your competitors managed to break the caching on the site, so it is all new now and rather blank. The other was, they had no forum - not good.
As an aside: a module image of your templates would be a good thing. I could find none.
Thanks for the answers.