In Simple Membership Joomla Membership website software there are five groups of settings: General settings, Admin notification settings, User notification settings, Expire notification settings, Payment settings.
Sender's name - Shows the sender's name, which user sees in email notification messages
User registration options - In this field you can select users who can see the other profiles.
Settings the default groups - You can specify Default Joomla group, in which user will be sent after the end of his period of stay in the Simple Membership group.
Emails of administration - In this field of membership website software you should add your email, if you want receive admin notification.
Send message about new user registration - Choose Yes or No for send email to administrator about new user registration.
Administrator notification message on account creation - You can add text of message, which administrator will receive.
Pre-register message - This post will show above the user registration form. You can fill in this form yourself.
Send message about new user registration - Choose Yes or No for send email to administrator about new user registration.
Activation message - This message will be displayed to the user, if he going on the activation link on his E-mail.
Notification message on account creation - This message will be send to the user after he would registered.
Notification message on account enable - Message will be sent to user, if user will be published in admin area by administrator.
Notification message on account approved - Message will be sent to user, if user will be approved in admin area by administrator.
Notification message on account disapproved - Message will be sent to user, if user account will be disapproved by administrator in admin area.
Expire before end notify - Allows send email to admin and to user before user membership expire.
For that you need create GRON job and connect to Cron job.
Expire end days - In this field you can specify numbers of days before user membership expire. You put for example 2 days, and before 2 day of expire user's membership he will receive email.
User membership expire end email - Set emails for send notify email to user about user membership expire end. You may set set emails separated them with help coma.
PayPal Options - You сhoose Show PayPal buy and Displays buttons allow you to do a recurrent payment through PayPal.
Message for cancellation of payment - This message will be show to user, if he will click [cancellation of payment] button and back to your site.
Message for successful payment - This message will be displayed to the user after he makes a successful payment and clicks [the back to your site] button.
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- Simple membership, joomla user profile, how add field to joomla user