How to import data in Joomla CCK

Since recently in Joomla CCK there is an opportunity to do import of any data to your Joomla website.
Data Import in Joomla CCK permits you to easily add any type of content to your current Joomla website. There are many tools on the market that give you posibility to show data in CSV format. And now you easily can add these data to the Website created with CCK. No need to manually add all the data, just use CCK data import.
Joomla CCK supports 2 popular formats for import:
- - XML import.
- - CSV import.
Go to the Components → CCK → Import/Export
XML Import
XML file format - is a very simple format to understand and a very popular to import/export data. Useing XML import/export you can simply move ALL your data and website structure from one website with Joomla CCK to another website.

Click the button "Choose File", and choose archive with CCK XML export.
Please check: you may easily check XML data format and fill it with your data.
Click the button "Upload".
After you imported all data - you need to apply data to entities.

CSV Import
The CSV (coma value separeted) data format. There in files data fields separeted by comma. You easy may create file like this with your data. Also files can be created with Excel or other data Editors.
For CSV import: Choose a file and import it in one click. Here you can also change the separator for fields. Sometimes it is useful to use not the comma separatot but some other.

Done. Now the data is loaded and you can start working with it.