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Animate text in best Joomla slider

There we describe: How create animated text in Best Joomla slider. How add text in Joomla Slideshow to a picture, which options for text animation can be selected in Responsive Slider, how to set the start and end time for the animation.
Once you have added the image, you can add a text (or any other HTML) and animate it. How to upload an image to the best joomla text slider can be viewed here How to manage images and create captions in OS Touch Joomla Slider? For add animate text to slider: click on the option as shown on the below image.

image slider add animate text step 1

On this tab you can set the time for which the text will remain in the picture. This can be done with the option Image full time. The next thing you need to do in order to write a text, we go to the option to Add text:

write text in option to Add text of image slider joomla

After creating text, you can animate it. We write the text in the appeared window and click on the Animation option:

Animation option for animate text in photo Joomla Slider

First we need to enter the Start time of the text animation and the End of the text animation . You must calculate the time so that the emergence and disappearance of the text should not exceed the total time of the entire animation that is displayed on the page joomla text slider where the text is added. And in the same way, the time of start the text animation should not be longer than the end of the text animation.

Start and end time of animation text in photo joomla slider

In the drop-down list, we can select various text animation effects for the appearance and disappearance of the text(or other HTML):

Drop-down list with various effects in joomla sladeshow

You can also customize the special effects that will be displayed during the time the text will be on the picture from the moment of appearance and until the disappearance of the text. To do this, set the start time and end time as shown on the image:

Customize the special effects in Joomla Slider

And just select a special animation effect from the drop-down list:

Select a special effect from the drop-down list in Joomla slider

We created special video where you may check how create animate text joomla slider

Read also useful articles about Text Joomla slider:

- How to install responsive Joomla Slideshow - Ordasoft Touch Joomla Slider

- How to manage images and create captions in OS Touch best Joomla slider

- How to Embed YouTube video into OS Touch Joomla Slider and make Video Joomla slider

- Options of responsive OS Touch Joomla Slider - Joomla Slideshow module

- Ordasoft touch slider - layer joomla slider for your joomla templates

- How to create fashion slide in OS Touch Joomla Slider

Ordasoft Joomla Slider Animate text in best Joomla slider