From the previous article we have known about CSV, XML and full XML export in Real Estate Manager and now we will take a look at importing houses from an XML file into Real Estate Manager, joomla extension for create real estate website. This can be from an XML export you did earlier, or from a freshly created XML file.
Go to Components > Real Estate manager > Import/Export and choose the Import tab.
Choose XML for the Import Type and a Category to import into.
Next use Browse to point to the XML file.
Then click the Import Media button on the top bar.
Because XML imports also contain user submitted House reviews, you will see the following warning.
Click OK.
You will see the results of the import.
Click Back in the top bar to return to the Import/Export page, or go to Components > Real Estate Manager > Houses to go to the Real Estate Manager window. You will see the houses you have just imported, still unpublished.
You can now publish the houses, or edit each house as you wish in Real Estate manager, hotel room booking software.