Manage Houses in Real Estate Manager, property rental software
Previously we knew about entering houses in Real Estate Manager and now we will take a closer look at the managing houses in Real Estate Manager - property management joomla listing software and see how an administrator can use that interface to Publish/Unpublish, Rent or Return houses from Rent.
In the Admin backend, go to Components > Real Estate Manager > Houses. From the Real Estate Manager, property management joomla listing software you can select one or multiple houses (checkmarks in front of the titles) and then apply actions to them with the icons in the top bar.

Screenshot is made on Joomla Real Estate Quickstart that is included in Pro Package of
Real Estate Manager, property rental software
- New. Create a new house entry
- Clone. Checkmark the house and press the button to get the copy of it
- Publish Publish selected houses. When the house published in front of its name is a green check mark.
- Unpublish. Unpublish selected Houses. When the house published in front of its name is a red cross.
- Rent house. When you click on this button opens new page, that's shown below.
- Return house from rent. When required return house from rent click the Return house from rent button, than select house and click Return house from rent yet.
- Edit rent. On this page you can change the house data
- Delete. Deletes the selected houses.
Rent house
In opened window you can create new booking manually and set following options
- Rent to. Just select the user from the dropdown box.
- User. Fill in username
- E-mail. Fill in user email
- Rent from. Select the return date by clicking on the button (will show a calendar pop-up).
- Rent until. Select the return date by clicking on the button (will show a calendar pop-up). When you have filled in the details, click the [Rent house] button in the top bar. Once you have rent house out, they will show up inside the Real Estate Manager.
Return house from Rent
Check mark needed house and press button
Return from Rent