How to add new language to Real Estate Manager, property management joomla listing software

After you have known about export and import in Real Estate Manager, we would like to describe how Real Estate Manager handles languages and how to add a new language file to the Real estate manager-property management joomla listing software.

The Real Estate Manager component for Joomla comes with full language support. And with Brazilian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (default), Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Serbian, Swedish language files included. What does this mean?

  1. All Real Estate Manager language variables are stored in one file.
  2. The file can be translated and other languages can be added.
  3. Once you have put a language file for a language into Real Estate Manager - real estate Joomla extension, then the language chosen as default in Joomla will automatically be picked up by Real Estate Manager.
  4. On multilingual sites build with Joomla multi language support or JoomFish, Real Estate Manager will automatically pick up the language chosen in the frontend.

Yes, we know... the current language files in Real Estate Manager are done the "old fashioned" way, as it used to be in Joomla 3.x uses translations through .ini files, split between admin area and frontend area.

The reason we kept the old way for now is because it gives us fewer headaches maintaining different translation methods for the two Joomla versions. Perhaps we will look at transforming the translations to the new Joomla 3.x way for a future version. The important thing is: the translations work, and they work fine!

Many Language files for the Real Estate Manager component can be obtained from our website. You can easily download Language pack for Joomla Real Estate Manager here. But if your language isn't there yet, you can translate Real Estate Manager by yourself and add your language. Once you have translated Real Estate Manager on new language, please share it to help others!

How to use Language Manager in property management joomla listing software?


You can update any word or word combination with help of Language Manager (the option is available only for Real Estate Manage PRO).
1. Go to admin area Components -> Real Estate Manager -> Language Manager.
2. In the drop down list Select Language choose needed language.
3. Then search the word or word combination which you want to change in the field Search by value constant, click on it and rename Value Constant

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension

How to change constant in Language Manager?


You can update any constant with help of Language Manager (the option is available only for Real Estate Manage PRO).
1. Go to admin area Components -> Real Estate Manager -> Language Manager.
2. In the Search by value constant field enter needed value.

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

3. Then write your value in the editing field and you will see new value on frontend.

For example you want to change constant "Property type"

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

Constant value before change

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, property management joomla listing software, Constant value before change

Constant value after

Language Manager in Real Estate manager,Language Manager in Real Estate manager, property management joomla listing software, Constant value after change

View constant value on frontend before

Language Manager in Real Estate manager,Language Manager in Real Estate manager, property management joomla listing software, View constant value on frontend before

View constant value on frontend after

Language Manager in Real Estate manager,Language Manager in Real Estate manager, property management joomla listing software, View constant value on frontend after

How to translate Email in Language Manager?


You can translate any Email with help of Language Manager (the option is available only for Real Estate Manager PRO).
1. Go to admin area Components -> Real Estate Manager -> Settings -> Email Notification.

Settings in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

2. Then find section "Send message" and select the needed text (or a part of text)

Settings in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

You can change Email text fot any text, but {username} must be constantly. There in {username} will be output the name of your clients.

3. After that go to Components -> Real Estate Manager -> Language Manager and in the Search by value constant field enter selected text. Press Enter. Real Estate Manager output the needed constant (_REAL_ESTATE_MANAGER_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_RENT_REQUEST).

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

4. Finally select the checkbox _REAL_ESTATE_MANAGER_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_RENT_REQUEST and select needed language in the select list

Language Manager in Real Estate manager, joomla real estate extension for create real estate website

How to create multi language site with RealEstateManager


For create your properties site on 2 or more languages, you should

1. In Joomla Language Manager, add both your languages
Please go to admin->Extensions->Language(s)->Install Languages, and there please install both your languages for site admin and frontend parts.

Install new language to Joomla

2. In Joomla Language Manager, create both your Content languages
Please go to admin->Extensions->Language(s)->Content Languages, and there please add both your languages.

Install new content language to Joomla

3. In RealEstateManager, create clone house which you wish translate to another language
Please go to admin->Components->RealEstateManager->Houses, and there please add both your houses.

RealEstateManager, create clone house which you wish translate to another language

4. In RealEstateManager, set boyh house as associated
In RealEstateManager, set languages for every your houses, and connect them as associated

In RealEstateManager, set boyh house as associated

How to add new language to Real Estate Manager - property management joomla listing software?


If you find your language in language pack of Real Estate Manager (and you use free version of REM), to translate component you should:
1. Download language pack for Real Estate Manager
2. Unzip it, choose needed language and upload it in your_website/components/com_realestatemanager/lang
3. Go to Real Estate Manager -> Language Manager and click on button Load languages.
Component will be translated to the language of website (if several languages is uploaded).

If you can't find your language in the pack, you can translate component by yourself.
1. Find the file called English.php, either in your installation pack or in the zip archive of the component.
It is located in the directory
{your website}/components/com_realestatemanager/lang/
2. Make a copy of English.php and rename it to your own language, for example Dutch.php.
3. Open Dutch.php with a text editor which is capable of handling UTF-8. We recommend PSPad if you are on a Windows operating system.

All Joomla 3.x files need to be saved as UTF-8. WordPad or Notepad can NOT handle UTF-8, so they are NOT FIT to create or edit these files with!
Try PSPad instead (//, and set it under Format to UTF-8 before you edit and save your files.

4. Translate the text sections (value constants) to your language (marked this way on the example)
Language tag should be changed in format xx-XX, see all language tags here

For example you will see the code:

* @package RealEstateManager
* @copyright 2012 Andrey Kvasnevskiy-OrdaSoft; Rob de Cleen
* Homepage:
* @version: 3.5 Free
* */

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'en-GB', 'title'=>'English');

$constLang = array();
$constLang[] = array('const'=>'_REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_CBMAIN', 'value_const'=>'Community Builder/My Houses plugin settings');
$constLang[] = array('const'=>'_REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_CBHOUSES', 'value_const'=>'Show my houses');

Example translation for Dutch (NL) should look like this:

* @package RealEstateManager
* @copyright 2012 Andrey Kvasnevskiy-OrdaSoft; Rob de Cleen
* Homepage:
* @version: 3.5 Free
* */

$LangLocal = array('lang_code'=>'nl-NL', 'title'=>'Dutch');

$constLang = array();
$constLang[] = array('const'=>'_REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_CBMAIN', 'value_const'=>'Community Builder/Mijn panden plugin settings');
$constLang[] = array('const'=>'_REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_CBHOUSES', 'value_const'=>'Toon mijn panden');

5. Continue to translate all language variables in your language.

You can use accented letters and special characters like é, ô, ü, ç, ñ, ¿. ©, ß etc. inside the files, with ONE exception:
You cannot use single quotes inside the language variables.
Please replace all single quotes ( ' ) with back-accents ( ` )
So for example French "l'emprunt" inside a language variable needs to be written "l`imprunt".
This is because single quotes are part of the PHP code normally. The “`” or back- accent will be ignored by PHP and interpreted as normal text.

How to add language file to the Real Estate Manager installation


To add your language to Real Estate Manager installation you should

1. Place your language file inside the directory
/components/com_real estate manager/lang/ using an FTP client or similar (if you are on a shared hosting account, please use internal Joomla FTP or QuiXplorer or similar to preserve the file ownership).

2. In the file Real Estate Manager.xml in the directory
/components/com_Real estate Manager/ add the language entry for your language. This goes right after the entry lang/english.php.

3. Go to administration Real Estate Manager Language tab. Now you will see your language and may update any constant with it help.

So if you use for example Dutch and Spanish on your site you would add those, like this:
< filename>lang/english.php
< filename>lang/dutch.php
< filename>lang/spanish.php

3. To ensure the languages you use are visible inside the dropdown boxes in the administration part for selecting, you will need to add the language entries to every language file in use in your installation. In each language file, find the part marked //Languages and add your language there. Example:

DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_NOT_USED', 'Not specified');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_ENG', 'English');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_DUT', 'Dutch');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_GER', 'German');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_FRE', 'French');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_ITA', 'Italian');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_SPA', 'Spanish');

Save each file. Remember to translate the entries according to the language file you are editing. That's it, you're done!

Sharing your created language files with the community.

Once you have a working translation for Real Estate Manager ready, please share it on the website to help others!

You will receive full credits for your work in the Real Estate Manager Languages Section, as well as a link to your website.

    Submitting language files for Real Estate Manager can be done in two ways by registered users:
  1. You can upload your language file from User Menu > Upload file
  2. Or you can attach the file in a forum post
    When submitting your language file, please mention:
  3. Version of Real Estate Manager the language translation is for
  4. Your name as you want it mentioned in the credits the website you want mentioned in the credits
  5. Thank you in advance for sharing your efforts with the rest of the Real Estate Manager users!

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