Submitting Rent Requests in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

Vehicle Manager is Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars. In this article we will take a look at the Rent Request submitting from the frontend in Vehicle Manager - car rental software for build powerfull car rental website.

When you have configured Vehicle Manager to allow users of your website to submit Rent Requests for vehicles, so they can select vehicles for rent by choosing [Rent Request] button either in the Vehicle Details pages.

Submitting Rent Requests in Vehicle Manager - car rental software

You must fill the [Your full name], [Email] fields and write [Your postal mailing address]. Next you must specify the rent date [Rent from] and [Vehicle return date].

Once everything is filled in, the user clicks on the [Submit Rent Request] button.

A confirmation screen appears:
The text says: "Your Rent Request was stored in our database. We will check your request and inform you as soon as possible. Thank you for using our service."

Remark: You can find this text in the language file, where you can change it to you liking.

Rent Request Flow
If email notification was set in [Settings Backend] for Rent Requests, then the designated Vehicle Manager will now receive a notification mail as well. The Vehicle Manager then needs to approve the request in the Administration backend.

Once the rent request is approved, the user will receive an email confirmation stating that the request has been approved and that the vehicle are ready to be picked up at the parking address.

Confirmation not send automatically to users – admin must self do email send or other notification.

The user's email address is clickable in admin RentRequest Manager, so the admin can send reminders to the users easily from here.

Documentation of Vehicle Manager - Car rental Dealer software for build a car website

- Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- How to install Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- How to configure settings of Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software

- How to create menu entry in Vehicle manager - Joomla Car dealer software

- How to create and edit vehicle categories in Vehicle manager - Joomla Car rental software for build car rental website

- Frontend Category View in Vehicle Manager - Joomla Car dealer software

- Frontend Vehicle List View in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- Front End Vehicle Details Page in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental software

- Submitting Reviews in Vehicle Manager - Joomla Car rental software

- How to Manage and edit reviews in Vehicle Manager - car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- Managing Rent Requests in Vehicle Manager - Car rental software

- Vehicle Search in the Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- Entering Vehicles manually in Vehicle manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- Using Manager of Vehicles in Joomla Car dealer software - Vehicle manager

- How to print reports in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software

- How to Export Vehicles to CSV, XML and full XML in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software

- Importing vehicles from CSV, XML, full XML into Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- How to add a new language to Vehicle manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars

- CAPTCHA in Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software

- How to upgrade Vehicle Manager - Joomla car rental dealer software, for rent and sell cars
