Vehicle Manager is Car rental software for build car rental website. This Vehicle website builder with powerful Car Management features helps rent and sell cars.In this article we will show you how to managing Rent Request in Vehicle Manager - Car rental software
To manage user submitted Rent Requests, in the Admin backend go to Components > Vehicle Manager > Rent Requests.
You will see the following screen:
All pending Rent Requests will be shown here. On the top bar, there are two buttons:
Accept Request and Decline Request, which are fairly self-explanatory.
Remark: The user's email address is clickable, so the admin can send reminders to the users easily from here.
Rent Request Flow
If the Rent Request is declined, the user will receive an email saying that the Rent Request was not accepted. Admin must manual send so email – if wish. If the Rent Request is approved, the user will receive an email confirmation stating that the request has been approved. Admin must manual send so email – if wish.
Vehicle availability indication in the frontend
In the frontend of the website, the vehicle details will now show that the vehicle has been lent out, so that other visitors of the website know that the vehicle is not available for lending.
In the Status column the vehicle which was lent out will have a red cross behind it, indicating that it is not available for lending. Also, the Rent Request button will NOT show when the vehicle is lent out.